@misc{ERS14, author = { Steven N. Evans and Ronald L. Rivest and Philip B. Stark }, title = { Leading the Field: Fortune Favors the Bold in Thurstonian Choice Models }, date = { 2014-09-20 }, OPTyear = { 2014 }, OPTmonth = { Sep. 20 }, urla = { arxiv }, abstract = { Consider a random real $n$-vector $Z$ of preference scores. Item $i$ is preferred to item $j$ if $Z_i < Z_j$. Suppose $\mathbb{P}\{Z_i = Z_j\} = 0$ for $i \ne j$. Item $k$ is the favorite if $Z_k < \min_{i\ne k} Z_i$. This model generalizes Thurstone's Law of Comparative Judgment. Let $p_i$ denote the chance that item $i$ is the favorite. We characterize a large class of distributions for $Z$ for which $p_1 > p_2 > \ldots > p_n$. Our results are most surprising when $\mathbb{P}\{Z_i < Z_j\} = \mathbb{P}\{Z_i > Z_j\} = \frac{1}{2}$ for $i \ne j$, so neither of any two items is likely to be preferred over the other in a pairwise comparison, and we find that, under suitable assumptions, this ordering of $\{p_i\}$ holds when the variability of $Z_i$ decreases with $i$. Our conclusions echo the proverb "Fortune favors the bold." It follows that if $n$ treatments are assigned randomly to $n$ subjects; if no treatment systematically helps or hurts; and if the treatment effects are stochastically ordered in the same way for all subjects; then the treatment with most variable effect is most likely to appear to be best---even though a randomized trial of any two treatments on any two subjects has the same chance of finding the first or the second treatment better. Moreover, our results explain "sophomore slump" without the regression effect and show why heteroscedasticity can result in misleadingly small $p$-values in nonparametric tests of association. }, }