@Article{FR75b, author = { Robert W. Floyd and Ronald L. Rivest }, title = { Algorithm 489: the algorithm {SELECT}---for finding the $i$th smallest of $n$ elements {[M1]} }, pages = { 173 }, url = { http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/360680.360694 }, doi = { 10.1145/360680.360694 }, acm = { 94090 }, journal = { Communications of the ACM }, OPTyear = { 1975 }, OPTmonth = { March }, date = { 1975-03 }, volume = { 18 }, number = { 3 }, publisher = { ACM }, acmid = { 360694 }, abstract = { {SELECT} will rearrange the values of array segment $X[L: R]$ so that $X[K]$ (for some given $K$; $L \le K \le R$) will contain the $(K-L+1)$-th smallest value, $L \le I \le K$ will imply $fX[I] \le X[K]$, and $K \le I \le R$ will imply $X[I] \ge X[K]$. }, }