@Unpublished{Riv07b, author = { Ronald L. Rivest }, title = { A Simple Rule of Thumb for Election Audit Size Determination }, note = { Unpublished draft. }, date = { 2007-10-31 }, OPTyear = { 2007 }, OPTmonth = { October 31, }, abstract = { This note proposes a very simple ``Rule of Thumb'' for determining how many precincts to audit in a post-election audit. This rule says to audit $1/m$ precincts (rounded up to the next integer), where $m$ is the ``margin of victory'' (the difference in percentage of votes for the apparent winner and for the apparent runner-up). For example, if the margin of victory is 4\%, then this rule of thumb suggests auditing $ 1.0/0.04 = 25$ precincts. If the formula suggests auditing more precincts than are available, all precincts are audited. \par This Rule of Thumb gives a guaranteed ``confidence level'' of at least 92\% when certain assumptions hold (when all precincts have the same size and the miscount within each precinct is at most 20\% of the votes in that precinct). Under these assumptions, the actual confidence level achieved ranges from 92\% to 100\%. \par This Rule of Thumb is simple enough to be computed in one's head; it provides reasonable guidance for ``back-of-the-envelope'' estimates, and is useful when the simplicity of the formula is especially important. }, }