Predicting ICU Mortality Risk by Grouping Temporal Trends from a Multivariate Panel of Physiologic Measurements, Luo Y, Xin Y, Hochberg E, Joshi R, Uzner O, Szolovits P, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2016
Subgraph Augmented Non-Negative Tensor Factorization (SANTF) for Modeling Clinical Text Luo Y, Xin Y, Hochberg E, Joshi R, Uzner O, Szolovits P, Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA) 2015
Unfolding Physiological State: Mortality Modelling in Intensive Care Units, Ghassemi M, Naumann T, Joshi R, Doshi F, Brimmer NJ, Szolovits P, Rumshisky A, ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), 2014
Unsupervised Learning in Clinical Narrative Text and Physiological Time Series Using Tensor Factorization, Luo Y, Xin Y, Joshi R, Szolovits P, Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) Workshop on Machine Learning for Clinical Data Analysis and Healthcare, 2013
Probabilistically Populated Medical Record Templates: Reducing Clinical Documentation Time Using Patient Cooperation, Naumann T, Ghassemi M, Bodnari A, Joshi R, AMIA Student Design Competition on Reinventing Clinical Documentation, 2013 (Best Design Award)
Prognostic Physiology: Modeling Patient Severity in Intensive Care Units Using Radial Domain Folding, Joshi R, Szolovits P, AMIA, 2012 [pdf] (Best Research Paper)
Topic Models for Mortality Modeling in Intensive Care Units Ghassemi M, Naumann T, Rumshisky A, Joshi R, ICML, 2012 [pdf]
Model latent pathophysiologic states, Joshi R, Kshetri K, Lee CH, Szolovits P, NIPS Workshop, 2010 [pdf]
Context-sensitive Network: a probabilistic context framework for adaptive reasoning, Joshi R, PhD Thesis, 2009 [pdf]
A Hybrid Outcome prediction model for severe traumatic brain injury, Pang BC, Kuralmani V, Leong TY, Joshi R, Yin H, Lee KK, Ang BT, Ng I, Li J, Journal of Neurotrauma, 2007, 24(1): 136-146 [pdf]
Context-aware Probabilistic Reasoning for Proactive Health Care, Joshi R, Li G, Leong TY, In Intl. Joint Conf on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI) Workshop on Ambient Intelligence, 2007 [Link]
Patient-specific Inference and Situation-dependent classification using Context-Sensitive Networks, Joshi R, Leong TY, In Proceedings of AMIA Annual Symposium, 2006 [pdf]
Adaptive Modeling Framework for Systems Biology, Joshi R, Leong TY, In American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Symposium on Challenges to Decision Support in a Changing World, 2005 [Link]
Automatic Model Structuring from Text Using Biomedical Ontology Joshi R, Li XL, Ramachandaran S, and Leong TY, In American Association for Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) Workshop on Adaptive Text Extraction and Mining, 2004 [pdf]
Classifying Biomedical Citations without manually Labeled Training Examples, Li XL, Joshi R, Ramachandaran S, and Leong TY, In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 2004 [pdf]
Hypertext Classification using Positive and Unlabeled Examples Learning, Joshi R and Subhash M, Technical Report, 2004
Prediction of Molecular Bioactivity for Drug design:KDD Cup 2001, Joshi R, Subhash M, Tatikonda R, Samalo RA, Technical Report, 2004
Integrated Quality of Service and Network Management, Joshi R, Tham CK, In IEEE International Conference On Networks, 2000 [pdf]