Homework Grading Instructions:
- Meet with Shyan to
coordinate and discuss a rubric.
- Make sure to coordinate with others that are grading
the same problem.
- Comments to the students are the most important part of the process. Please give them feedback if something isn't clear (or correct). It is ok to
publish a list (send it to the course staff and we will post)
of common errors and refer to the list when
grading in order to save yourself having to write the same things out
over and over.
Grading itself will be done through Canvas. You will be assigned to peer review certain submissions. For each submission, leave helpful comments and feedback to the student for just the problem you are tasked with grading (not the full submission). At the end of your comments, make sure to indicate the score you are assigning for the problem.
- Grade on a scale of 0,..,3:
- Basically correct and nicely written solutions get a grade of 2.
Confusingly written or mostly wrong solutions should get 1.
A grade of 3 should only be given sparingly to solutions that are far
better than the rest, either because there is a very clever idea or
a particularly nice writeup (not just a good writeup).
Give a 0 if the problem isn't turned in.
It is ok, but not required, to use real numbers (such as 1.7).
- Prepare a solution in latex format. If there are
alternate solutions, sketch the ideas for those too.
You may use one of the submitted solutions, but you should get
permission from and acknowledge the person that wrote it.
- When you are done, please meet with Shyan
to go over the homeworks and the solution.
Due date: Everything is due within one week after you have
been assigned peer reviews on Canvas.
- Note that part of your grade in the course depends on the
quality of your grading, solution writeup and promptness.