Syllabus: we will do what we can from the original syllabus. Due to changes in requirements (see below), only the last lecture will be project presentations.
Lectures and office hours: Will be given via zoom. They will be recorded for people that have trouble with time zones and/or connectivity. Lecture notes will be made available before lecture.
Homeworks: Will be turned in via lmod.
Grading: will be distributed electronically via email.
Other coursework: Will be turned in via email.
There are no exams.
Coursework will be reduced in the following manner (to give a choice of whether to reduce
homework or not to do the project)
- Requirements:
Previous requirements: Scribe a lecture, homework sets (6), help grade a problem, project
New requirement: Choice of
(a) scribe a lecture , homework sets (3), help grade a problem, project
(b) scribe lecture, homework sets (6), help grade a problem
Old rubric: scribe a lecture (15%) , homework sets (6) (55%) , final project (20%), class participation (10%)
- New rubric:
Rubric for choice (a): scribe a lecture (15%) , homework sets (6) (75%) , class participation (10%)
Rubric for choice (b): scribe a lecture (15%), homework sets (3) (45%), final project (30%), class
participation (10%)
- Those that cannot scribe a lecture may grade an extra pset problem.