Computer Vision Lab

Other Projects

Automatic Background Substraction

Context : 

Many computer vision applications require an estimate of the background and foreground of a given image. For example tracking algorithms[1] that try to estimate the 3D position of a subject using only videosequences. Many different types of background substraction exist:


1. Classic methods: fast but work only under speciffic conditions: average, median, etc.

2. Pametric methods: Mixture of Gaussians[3]

3. Non parametric methods: Kernel Density Estimators[2]

4. Mean Shift

5. etc.

Figure 1: background substraction of a golfer.

1. Classic methods: fast but work only under speciffic conditions: average, median, etc.

2. Pametric methods: Mixture of Gaussians[3]

3. Non parametric methods: Kernel Density Estimators[2].

4. Mean Shift

5. etc.

For a review of most common techniques see...

In this projet the student will first study the different types of background substraction techniques in terms of the following criteriums: speed, memory and accuracy, and implement the most relevant ones.



[1] R. Urtasun and P. Fua, "3D Human Body Tracking using Deterministic Motion Models". European Conference in Computer Vision. Prague 2004.

[2] A. Elgammal, D. Harwood and L. S. Davis. "Non parametric Model for Background Substraction". 6th European Conference on Computer Vision. Dublin, Ireland, June/July 2000.

[3] C. Stauffer, W. E. L. Grimson. "Adaptative background mixture models for real-time tracking". Proc. of CVPR 1999, pp. 246-252.

Persons in charge: Raquel Urtasun