| "Genetic circuit building blocks for Cellular
Computation, Communications, and Signal Processing", Natural Computing,
an International Journal, 2003 (in press):
 | Paper available in the following formats:
 | "Evolutionary Design of Genetic Circuits and Cell-Cell
Communications", Advances in
Complex Systems, 2003 (in press):
 | Paper available in the following formats:
 | "Directed evolution of a genetic circuit", PNAS, December
 | Paper available in the following formats:
 | "Engineering Signal Processing in Cells: Towards Molecular Concentration Band Detection", Eighth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers, June 2002:
 | "The Device Physics of Cellular Logic Gates", First Workshop on Non-Silicon Computing, Feb 2002:
"Engineered Communications for Microbial Robotics"
Ron Weiss, Tom Knight
Proceedings of the
Sixth International Meeting on DNA Based Computers (DNA6), June 2000
"Amorphous Computing"
H Abelson, D Allen, D Coore, C Hanson, G Homsy, T Knight, R Nagpal, E Rauch, G Sussman, R Weiss
Communications of the ACM, May 2000 -- Volume 43, Number 5
(issue TOC)
"Toward in vivo Digital Circuits"
Ron Weiss, George Homsy, Tom Knight
Proceedings of the
Dimacs Workshop on Evolution as Computation, January 1999
"Fast and Effective Query Refinement"
Bienvenido Vélez, Ron Weiss, Mark Sheldon and David K. Gifford
Proceedings of the
20th ACM Conference on Research and Development in Information
Retrieval (SIGIR 97)
"HyPursuit: A Hierarchical Network Search Engine that Exploits
Content-Link Hypertext Clustering"
Ron Weiss, Bienvenido Velez, Mark A. Sheldon, Chanathip Nemprempre,
Peter Szilagyi, Andrzej Duda, and David K. Gifford.
Proceedings of the Seventh ACM Conference on Hypertext, Washington, DC,
March 1996.
"Composition and Search with a Video Algebra"
R. Weiss, A. Duda, and D. Gifford
IEEE Multimedia Magazine, 2(1), Spring 1995.
"Discover: A Resource Discovery System based on Content Routing"
Mark A. Sheldon and Andrzej Duda and Ron Weiss and David K. Gifford
Proceedings of the Third International World Wide Web Conference
Elsevier, North Holland
Also appears in a special issue of Computer Networks and ISDN Systems,
April 1995
Here is an HTML version of the paper.
"Content-Based Access to Algebraic Video", by
R. Weiss, A. Duda, and D. Gifford, Proc. IEEE First International
Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems, Boston, MA, May, 1994.
"A Content Routing System for Distributed Information
Servers" by M. Sheldon, A. Duda, R. Weiss, J. O'toole and
D. Gifford, Proc Fourth International Conference on Extending Database
Technology, Cambridge, England, Mar, 1994.