Looking for an on-line copy of "ANCILLARY REPORTS: KERNEL DESIGN PROJECT", MIT/LCS/TM-87, edited by David D.Clark. published in 1977. 1. Start at http://www.csail.mit.edu/index.php 2. Pull-down tab "Research" to "Publications" 3. Takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu 4A. Click on "Technical Reports" takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu/cgi-bin/query.py?template=browse&sortby=identifier&reverse=yes&collections=hdl_1721.1_29807 (2003 to present) seems to work OK, but the report we want is from 1977 4B. Click on "Historical Collections" takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu/historical-collections.shtml 5. Click on "LCS Series" takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu/lcs/ There is no search capability, but this message: "Coming soon -- search functionality is currently under development." According to the Wayback Machine, this message first appeared in January 2006 and has not been changed since. 6. Click on "LCS Series" takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu/lcs/ 7A. Click on "MIT Document Services" takes you to http://libraries.mit.edu/docs/research-publications.html "The file was not found. Search the Libraries' web site:" 8A. Search for LCS-TM-087 No results. 8B. Search for "Ancillary Multics" 1 hit, with the following text URL: https://libraries.mit.edu/archives/mithistory/presidents-reports/1974.pdf but no underlying link. 9B. Copy and paste URL into a browser window and hit go Takes you to the 1974 MIT President's report. Bad hit. 7B. Click on "Technical Memos" takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu/lcs/viewpubs.php?cat=tm page 1 of 12. 7C. Find way to page 10, scroll down to MIT-LCS-TM-087, and click on the Title link. Pops up a second window giving bibliographic details, abstract, and a URL field that says "No URL Given". (A similar result occurs for all other MIT-LCS-TMs and MIT-LCS-TRs. For AI series there is are both search and browse links that have working URLs for the PDF and/or PostScript files.) DEAD END! --------------------------- Let's try Google: 1. Search for LCS-TM-087" returns as the first two hits the same pages as 7B and 7C above. But the third hit looks promising: http://publications.csail.mit.edu/lcs/pubs/pdf/ going there it turns out to be a directory listing of about 1600 PDFs of LCS TMs and TRs. 2. Click on "MIT-LCS-TM-087.pdf" takes you to http://publications.csail.mit.edu/lcs/pubs/pdf/MIT-LCS-TM-087.pdf Bingo. That is the thing we have been looking for. Bottom line: The old TRs and TMs are on-line at CSAIL but there seems to be no way to find them starting from the CSAIL home page.