    author       = {M. Kayali and F. Wenz and N. Tatbul and C. Demiralp},
    title        = {{Mind the Data Gap: Bridging Large Language Models (LLMs)
                     to Enterprise Data Integration}},
    booktitle    = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'25)}},
    address      = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands},
    month        = {January},
    year         = {2025}

    author      = {F. Solleza and S. Li and W. Sun and R. Tang and
                   M. Schwarzkopf and N. Tatbul and A. Crotty and D. Cohen and
                   S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Mach: Firefighting Time-Critical Issues in Complex Systems 
                    Using High-Frequency Telemetry}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {17},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2024}

    author        = {J. M. F. da Trindade and J. Shun and S. Madden and
                     N. Tatbul},
    title         = {{Kairos: Efficient Temporal Graph Analytics on a Single
    journal       = {{ArXiv e-prints}},
    volume        = {abs/2401.02563},
    year          = {2024},
    url           = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.02563/},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint        = {2401.02653}

    author      = {C. Anneser and N. Tatbul and D. Cohen and Z. Xu and 
                   P. Pandian and N. Laptev and R. Marcus},
    title       = {{AutoSteer: Learned Query Optimization for Any SQL 
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {16},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2023}

    author      = {C. Anneser and M. Petrucelli and N. Tatbul and D. Cohen and 
                   Z. Xu and P. Pandian and N. Laptev and R. Marcus and 
                   A. Kemper},
    title       = {{QO-Insight: Inspecting Steered Query Optimizers}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {16},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2023}

    author      = {A. Shankaran and G. Gu and W. Chen and B. Yang and 
                   C. Kulkarni and M. Rambacher and N. Tatbul and D. Cohen},
    title       = {{The Gluten Open-Source Software Project: Modernizing 
                    Java-based Query Engines for the Lakehouse Era}},
    booktitle   = {{VLDB International Workshop on Composable Data Management 
                    Systems (CDMS'23)}},
    address     = {Vancouver, Canada},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2023}

    author      = {M. Du and N. Tatbul and B. Rivers and A. K. Gupta and L. Hu 
                   and W. Wang and R. Marcus and S. Zhou and I. Lee and 
                   J. Gottschlich},
    title       = {{A Skew-Sensitive Evaluation Framework for Imbalanced Data 
    booktitle   = {{CML Workshop on Data-centric Machine Learning Research
    address     = {Honolulu, HI, USA},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2023}

    author      = {F. Kossmann and Z. Wu and E. Lai and N. Tatbul and L. Cao 
                   and T. Kraska and S. Madden},
    title       = {{Extract-Transform-Load for Video Streams}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {16},
    number      = {9},
    month       = {May},
    year        = {2023}

    author      = {P. Negi and Z. Wu and A. Kipf and N. Tatbul and R. Marcus 
                   and S. Madden and T. Kraska and M. Alizadeh},
    title       = {{Robust Query-Driven Cardinality Estimation under Changing 
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {16},
    number      = {6},
    month       = {February},
    year        = {2023}

    author      = {A. Kumar and A. Halevy and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{VLDB Scalable Data Science Category: The Inaugural Year}},
    journal     = {{ACM SIGMOD Record}},
    volume      = {51},
    number      = {3},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2022}

    author      = {A. Wasay and N. Tatbul and J. Gottschlich},
    title       = {{Machine Programming: Turning Data into Programmer
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {15},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2022}

    author      = {M. Athanassoulis and P. Triantafillou and R. Appuswamy and
                   R. Bordawekar and B. Chandramouli and X. Cheng and
                   I. Manolescu and Y. Papakonstantinou and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Artifacts Availability \& Reproducibility (VLDB 2021
                    Round Table)}},
    journal     = {{ACM SIGMOD Record}},
    volume      = {51},
    number      = {2},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2022}

    author      = {R. Marcus and P. Negi and H. Mao and N. Tatbul and
                   M. Alizadeh and T. Kraska},
    title       = {{Bao: Making Learned Query Optimization Practical}},
    journal     = {{ACM SIGMOD Record, Special Issue on the 2021 ACM SIGMOD
                    Research Highlight Awards}},
    volume      = {51},
    number      = {1},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2022}

    author       = {F. Solleza and A. Crotty and S. Karumuri and N. Tatbul
                    and S. Zdonik},
    title        = {{Mach: A Pluggable Metrics Storage Engine for the Age of
    booktitle    = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'22)}},
    address      = {Chaminade, CA, USA},
    month        = {January},
    year         = {2022}

    author       = {S. Madden and J. Ding and T. Kraska and S. Sudhir and
                    D. Cohen and T. Mattson and N. Tatbul},
    title        = {{Self-Organizing Data Containers}},
    booktitle    = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'22)}},
    address      = {Chaminade, CA, USA},
    month        = {January},
    year         = {2022}

    author      = {V. Jacob and F. Song and A. Stiegler and B. Rad and Y. Diao
                   and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{A Demonstration of the Exathlon Benchmarking Platform for
                    Explainable Anomaly Detection}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {14},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2021}

    author      = {V. Jacob and F. Song and A. Stiegler and B. Rad and Y. Diao
                   and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Exathlon: A Benchmark for Explainable Anomaly Detection
                    over Time Series}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {14},
    number      = {11},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2021}

    author      = {P. Negi and R. Marcus and A. Kipf and H. Mao and N. Tatbul
                   and T. Kraska and M. Alizadeh},
    title       = {{Flow-Loss: Learning Cardinality Estimates That Matter}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {14},
    number      = {11},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2021}

    author      = {D. Ho and S. Kalikar and S. Misra and J. Ding and V. Md
                   and N. Tatbul and H. Li and T. Kraska},
    title       = {{LISA: Learned Indexes for Sequence Analysis}},
    institution = {{bioRxiv}},
    number      = {2020.12.22.423964},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2021}

    author       = {R. Marcus and P. Negi and H. Mao and N. Tatbul and
                    M. Alizadeh and T. Kraska},
    title        = {{Bao: Making Learned Query Optimization Practical}},
    booktitle    = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                     Data (SIGMOD'21)}},
    address      = {Xi'an, Shaanxi, China},
    month        = {June},
    year         = {2021}

    author       = {S. Karumuri and F. Solleza and S. Zdonik and N. Tatbul},
    title        = {{Cloud Observability: A MELTing Pot for Petabytes of
                     Heterogenous Time Series}},
    booktitle    = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'21)}},
    address      = {Virtual Event},
    month        = {January},
    year         = {2021}

    author      = {S. Karumuri and F. Solleza and S. Zdonik and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Towards Observability Data Management at Scale}},
    journal     = {{ACM SIGMOD Record}},
    volume      = {49},
    number      = {4},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {2020}

    author      = {E. Rezig and A. Brahmaroutu and N. Tatbul and M. Ouzzani
                   and N. Tang and T. Mattson and S. Madden and M. Stonebraker},
    title       = {{Debugging Large-Scale Data Science Pipelines using Dagger}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {13},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2020}

    author       = {A. Shanbhag and N. Tatbul and D. Cohen and S. Madden},
    title        = {{Large-Scale In-Memory Analytics on Intel Optane DC
                     Persistent Memory}},
    booktitle    = {{ACM SIGMOD International Workshop on Data Management
                     on New Hardware (DaMoN'20)}}
    address      = {Portland, OR},
    month        = {June},
    year         = {2020}

    author       = {P. Negi and R. Marcus and H. Mao and N. Tatbul and
                    T. Kraska and M. Alizadeh},
    title        = {{Cost-Guided Cardinality Estimation: Focus Where it
    booktitle    = {{IEEE ICDE International Workshop on Self-Managing
                     Database Systems (SMDB'20)}}
    address      = {Dallas, TX},
    month        = {April},
    year         = {2020}

    author       = {D. Ho and J. Ding and S. Misra and N. Tatbul and
                    V. Nathan and V. Md and T. Kraska},
    title        = {{LISA: Towards Learned DNA Sequence Search}},
    booktitle    = {{NeurIPS Workshop on Systems for Machine Learning
    address      = {Vancouver, Canada},
    month        = {December},
    year         = {2019}

    author       = {M. Alam and J. Gottschlich and N. Tatbul and J. Turek and 
                    T. Mattson and A. Muzahid},
    title        = {{A Zero-Positive Learning Approach for Diagnosing Software
                     Performance Regressions}},
    booktitle    = {{33rd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing
                     Systems (NeurIPS'19)}},
    address      = {Vancouver, Canada},
    month        = {December},
    year         = {2019}

    author      = {R. Marcus and P. Negi and H. Mao and C. Zhang and
                   M. Alizadeh and T. Kraska and O. Papaemmanouil and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Neo: A Learned Query Optimizer}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {12},
    number      = {11},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2019}

    author       = {P. Eichmann and F. Solleza and N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik},
    title        = {{Visual Exploration of Time Series Anomalies with 
    booktitle    = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                    Data (SIGMOD'19)}},
    address      = {Amsterdam, Netherlands},
    month        = {June},
    year         = {2019}

    author       = {O. C. Sahin and P. Karagoz and N. Tatbul},
    title        = {{Streaming Event Detection in Microblogs: Balancing
                     Accuracy and Performance}},
    booktitle    = {{International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE'19)}},
    address      = {Daejeon, Korea},
    month        = {June},
    year         = {2019}

    author       = {P. Eichmann and F. Solleza and J. Tan and N. Tatbul and
                    S. Zdonik},
    title        = {{Metro-Viz: Black-Box Analysis of Time Series Anomaly
    booktitle    = {{ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
    address      = {Glasgow, UK},
    month        = {May},
    year         = {2019}

    author       = {N. Tatbul},
    title        = {{Tools for Advanced Time Series Analytics: Enabling the
    booktitle    = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'19)}},
    address      = {Asilomar, CA},
    month        = {January},
    year         = {2019}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    editor      = {M. L. Brodie},
    booktitle   = {{Making Databases Work: The Pragmatic Wisdom of Michael
    title       = {{The Aurora/Borealis/StreamBase Codelines: A Tale of Three
    publisher   = {{ACM and Morgan \& Claypool}},
    month       = {January},
    year        = {2019}

    author       = {N. Tatbul and T. J. Lee and S. Zdonik and M. Alam
                    and J. Gottschlich},
    title        = {{Precision and Recall for Time Series}},
    booktitle    = {{32nd Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing
                     Systems (NeurIPS'18)}},
    address      = {Montreal, Canada},
    month        = {December},
    year         = {2018},
    note         = {spotlight paper}

    author       = {O. C. Sahin and N. Tatbul and P. Karagoz},
    title        = {{Olay Tespiti Problemi icin Akan Veri Isleme Platformu
                     Kullanimi: Avantaj ve Kisitlarin Incelenmesi}},
    booktitle    = {{Ulusal Yazilim Muhendisligi Sempozyumu (UYMS'18)}},
    address      = {Istanbul, Turkiye},
    month        = {Eylul},
    year         = {2018}

    author       = {J. Gottschlich and A. Solar-Lezama and N. Tatbul and
                    M. Carbin and M. Rinard and R. Barzilay and S. Amarasinghe
                    and J. B. Tenenbaum and T. Mattson},
    title        = {{The Three Pillars of Machine Programming}},
    booktitle    = {{ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Machine Learning
                     and Programming Languages (MAPL'18)}},
    address      = {Philadelphia, PA, USA},
    month        = {June},
    year         = {2018}

    author        = {N. Tatbul and T. J. Lee and S. Zdonik and J. Gottschlich},
    title         = {{A New Model for Evaluating Range-Based Anomaly Detection 
    journal       = {{ArXiv e-prints}},
    volume        = {abs/1803.03639},
    year          = {2018},
    url           = {https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.03639/},
    archivePrefix = {arXiv},
    eprint        = {1803.03639}

    author       = {T. J. Lee and J. Gottschlich and N. Tatbul and E. Metcalf 
                    and S. Zdonik},
    title        = {{Precision and Recall for Range-Based Anomaly Detection}},
    booktitle    = {{Inaugural Conference on Systems and Machine Learning
    address      = {Stanford, CA, USA},
    month        = {February},
    year         = {2018},
    howpublished = {\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.03175/}}

    author       = {T. J. Lee and J. Gottschlich and N. Tatbul and E. Metcalf 
                    and S. Zdonik},
    title        = {{Greenhouse: A Zero-Positive Machine Learning System for 
                     Time-Series Anomaly Detection}},
    booktitle    = {{Inaugural Conference on Systems and Machine Learning
    address      = {Stanford, CA, USA},
    month        = {February},
    year         = {2018},
    howpublished = {\url{https://arxiv.org/abs/1801.03168/}}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    editor      = {T. \"{O}zsu and L. Liu},
    booktitle   = {{Encyclopedia of Database Systems}},
    title       = {{Transactional Stream Processing}},
    publisher   = {{Springer}},
    year        = {2018}

    author      = {J. Du and J. Meehan and N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Towards Dynamic Data Placement for Polystore Ingestion}},
    booktitle   = {{VLDB International Workshop on Real-Time Business
                    Intelligence and Analytics (BIRTE'17)}},
    address     = {Munich, Germany},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2017}

    author      = {J. Meehan and C. Aslantas and S. Zdonik and
                   N. Tatbul and J. Du},
    title       = {{Data Ingestion for the Connected World}},
    booktitle   = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'17)}},
    address     = {Chaminade, CA, USA},
    month       = {January},
    year        = {2017}

    author      = {J. Meehan and S. Zdonik and S. Tian and Y. Tian and
                   N. Tatbul and A. Dziedzic and A. Elmore},
    title       = {{Integrating Real-Time and Batch Processing in a
    booktitle   = {{IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference
    address     = {Waltham, MA, USA},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2016}

    author      = {U. \c{C}etintemel and D. J. Abadi and Y. Ahmad and
                   H. Balakrishnan and M. Balazinska and M. Cherniack and
                   J. Hwang and S. Madden and A. Maskey and A. Rasin and
                   E. Ryvkina and M. Stonebraker and N. Tatbul
                   and Y. Xing and S. Zdonik},
    editor      = {M. Garofalakis and J. Gehrke and R. Rastogi},
    booktitle   = {{Data Stream Management:
                    Processing High-Speed Data Streams}},
    title       = {{The Aurora and Borealis Stream Processing Engines}},
    publisher   = {{Springer}},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2016}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik and J. Meehan and C. Aslantas and
                   M. Stonebraker and K. Tufte and C. Giossi and H. Quach},
    title       = {{Handling Shared, Mutable State in Stream Processing
                    with Correctness Guarantees}},
    journal     = {{IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin,
                    Special Issue on Next-Generation Stream Processing}},
    volume      = {38},
    number      = {4},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {2015}

    author      = {J. Meehan and N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik and C. Aslantas and 
                   U. Cetintemel and J. Du and T. Kraska and S. Madden and 
                   D. Maier and A. Pavlo and M. Stonebraker and K. Tufte and 
                   H. Wang},
    title       = {{S-Store: Streaming Meets Transaction Processing}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {8},
    number      = {13},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2015}

    author      = {A. Elmore and J. Duggan and M. Stonebraker and M. Balazinska
                   and U. Cetintemel and V. Gadepally and J. Heer and B. Howe
                   and J. Kepner and T. Kraska and S. Madden and D. Maier and 
                   T. Mattson and S. Papadopoulos and J. Parkhurst and 
                   N. Tatbul and M. Vartak and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{A Demonstration of the BigDAWG Polystore System}},
    journal     = {{The Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment (PVLDB)}},
    volume      = {8},
    number      = {12},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2015}

    author      = {U. Cetintemel and J. Du and T. Kraska and S. Madden and
                   D. Maier and J. Meehan and A. Pavlo and M. Stonebraker and
                   E. Sutherland and N. Tatbul and K. Tufte and H. Wang and
                   S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{S-Store: A Streaming NewSQL System for Big Velocity
                    Applications (Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Hangzhou, China},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2014}

    author      = {B. Glavic and K. Sheykh Esmaili and P. M. Fischer and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Efficient Stream Provenance via Operator Instrumentation}},
    journal     = {{ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT)}},
    volume      = {14},
    number      = {1},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2014}

    author      = {F. Ozcan and N. Tatbul and D. J. Abadi and M. Kornacker and
                   C. Mohan and K. Ramasamy and J. L. Wiener},
    title       = {{Are We Experiencing a Big Data Bubble? (Industrial Panel)}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                    Data (SIGMOD'14)}},
    address     = {Snowbird, UT, USA},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2014}

    author      = {N. Dindar and N. Tatbul and R. J. Miller and L. Haas
                   and I. Botan},
    title       = {{Modeling the Execution Semantics of Stream Processing
                    Engines with SECRET}},
    journal     = {{VLDB Journal}},
    volume      = {22},
    number      = {4},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2013}

    author      = {C. Balkesen and M. T. Ozsu and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Adaptive Input Admission and Management
                    for Parallel Stream Processing}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
                    Systems (DEBS'13)}},
    address     = {Arlington, TX, USA},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2013}

    author      = {C. Balkesen and N. Dindar and M. Wetter and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{RIP: Run-based Intra-query Parallelism
                    for Scalable Complex Event Processing}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
                    Systems (DEBS'13)}},
    address     = {Arlington, TX, USA},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2013}

    author      = {B. Glavic and K. Sheykh Esmaili and P. M. Fischer
                   and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Ariadne: Managing Fine-Grained Provenance on Data Streams}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
                    Systems (DEBS'13)}},
    address     = {Arlington, TX, USA},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2013}

    author      = {B. Glavic and K. Sheykh-Esmaili and P. M. Fischer and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Ariadne: Managing Fine-Grained Provenance on Data Streams}},
    institution = {{ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science}},
    number      = {TR-771},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2012}

    author      = {R. Kienzler and N. Tatbul and R. Bruggmann},
    title       = {{A Stream-based Approach to Massively Parallel NGS Data
                    Analysis in the Cloud (Poster)}},
    booktitle   = {{European Conference on Computational Biology (ECCB'12)}},
    address     = {{Basel Switzerland}},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2012}

    author      = {R. Kienzler and R. Bruggmann and A. Ranganathan and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Incremental DNA Sequence Analysis in the Cloud
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Scientific and Statistical
                    Database Management (SSDBM'12)}},
    address     = {{Chania, Crete, Greece}},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2012}

    author      = {R. Kienzler and R. Bruggmann and A. Ranganathan and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Stream As You Go: The Case for Incremental Data Access
                    and Processing in the Cloud}},
    booktitle   = {{IEEE ICDE International Workshop on Data Management
                    in the Cloud (DMC'12)}},
    address     = {{Washington, DC, USA}},
    month       = {April},
    year        = {2012}

    author      = {I. Botan and P. M. Fischer and D. Kossmann and N.Tatbul},
    title       = {{Transactional Stream Processing}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Extending Database Technology
    address     = {Berlin, Germany},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2012}

    author      = {A. Moga and I. Botan and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{UpStream: Storage-centric Load Management for Streaming
                    Applications with Update Semantics}},
    journal     = {{VLDB Journal}},
    volume      = {20},
    number      = {6},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {M. Duller and J. S. Rellermeyer and G. Alonso and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Virtualizing Stream Processing}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM/IFIP/USENIX 12th International Middleware Conference
    address     = {Lisbon, Portugal},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {A. Ozal and A. Ranganathan and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Real-time Route Planning with Stream Processing Systems:
                    A Case Study for the City of Lucerne}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on GeoStreaming
    address     = {Chicago, IL, USA},
    month       = {November},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {R. Kienzler and R. Bruggmann and A. Ranganathan and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Large-scale DNA Sequence Analysis in the Cloud:
                    A Stream-based Approach}},
    booktitle   = {{Euro-Par 6th Workshop on Virtualization in
                    High-Performance Cloud Computing (VHPC'11)}},
    address     = {Bordeaux, France},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {C. Balkesen and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Scalable Data Partitioning Techniques for Parallel Sliding
                    Window Processing over Data Streams}},
    booktitle   = {{VLDB International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor 
                    Networks (DMSN'11)}},
    address     = {Seattle, WA, USA},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {A. Moga and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{UpStream: A Storage-centric Load Management System for
                    Real-time Update Streams (Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Seattle, WA, USA},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {N. Dindar and P. M. Fischer and M. Soner and N. Tatbul}
    title       = {{Efficiently Correlating Complex Events over Live
                    and Archived Data Streams}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
                    Systems (DEBS'11)}},
    address     = {New York, NY, USA},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {N. Dindar and P. M. Fischer and N. Tatbul}
    title       = {{DejaVu: A Complex Event Processing System for Pattern
                    Matching over Live and Historical Data Streams (Poster)}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based
                    Systems (DEBS'11)}},
    address     = {New York, NY, USA},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {L. Aders, R. Buffat, Z. Chothia, M. Wetter, C. Balkesen,
                   P. M. Fischer, N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{DEBS'11 Grand Challenge: Streams, Rules, or a Custom
    institution = {{ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science}},
    number      = {TR-749},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {K. Sheykh-Esmaili and T. Sanamrad and P. M. Fischer and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Changing Flights in Mid-air: A Model for Safely Modifying
                    Continuous Queries}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                    Data (SIGMOD'11)}},
    address     = {Athens, Greece},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {B. Glavic and K. Sheykh-Esmaili and P. M. Fischer and
                   N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{The Case for Fine-Grained Stream Provenance}},
    booktitle   = {{BTW Workshop on Data Streams and Event Processing
    address     = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
    month       = {February},
    year        = {2011}

    author      = {I. Botan and R. Derakhshan and N. Dindar and
                   L. Haas and R. J. Miller and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{SECRET: A Model for Analysis of the Execution Semantics
                    of Stream Processing Systems}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Singapore},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2010}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Streaming Data Integration: Challenges and Opportunities}},
    booktitle   = {{IEEE ICDE International Workshop on New Trends in
                    Information Integration (NTII'10)}},
    address     = {Long Beach, CA},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2010}

    author      = {I. Botan and Y. Cho and R. Derakhshan and N. Dindar and
                   L. Haas and K. Kim and C. Lee and G. Mundada and M. Shan
                   and N. Tatbul and Y. Yan and B. Yun and J. Zhang},
    title       = {{A Demonstration of the MaxStream Federated Stream
                    Processing Architecture (Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering 
    address     = {Long Beach, CA},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2010}

    author      = {I. Botan and Y. Cho and R. Derakhshan and N. Dindar and
                   L. Haas and K. Kim and C. Lee and G. Mundada and M. Shan
                   and N. Tatbul and Y. Yan and B. Yun and J. Zhang},
    title       = {{Design and Implementation of the MaxStream Federated
                    Stream Processing Architecture}},
    institution = {{ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science}},
    number      = {TR-632},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {A. Moga and I. Botan and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{UpStream: Storage-centric Load Management for Data Streams
                    with Update Semantics}},
    institution = {{ETH Zurich Department of Computer Science}},
    number      = {TR-620},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {I. Botan and Y. Cho and R. Derakhshan and N. Dindar and
                   L. Haas and K. Kim and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Federated Stream Processing Support for Real-Time Business
                    Intelligence Applications}},
    booktitle   = {{VLDB International Workshop on Enabling Real-Time for
                    Business Intelligence (BIRTE'09)}},
    address     = {Lyon, France},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {N. Dindar and \c{C}. Balkesen and K. Kromwijk and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Event Processing Support for Cross-Reality Environments}},
    journal     = {{IEEE Pervasive Computing, Special Issue on
                    Cross-Reality Environments}},
    volume      = {8},
    number      = {3},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {N. Dindar and B. G\"{u}\c{c} and P. Lau and A. \"{O}zal
                   and M. Soner and N. Tatbul}, 
    title       = {{DejaVu: Declarative Pattern Matching over Live and
                    Archived Streams of Events (Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                    Data (SIGMOD'09)}},
    address     = {Providence, RI},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {I. Botan and G. Alonso and P. M. Fischer and D. Kossmann
                   and N.Tatbul},
    title       = {{Flexible and Scalable Storage Management for
                    Data-intensive Stream Processing}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Extending Database Technology
    address     = {Saint Petersburg, Russia},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {N. Tatbul}
    editor      = {T. \"{O}zsu and L. Liu},
    booktitle   = {{Encyclopedia of Database Systems}},
    title       = {{Load Shedding}},
    publisher   = {{Springer}},
    year        = {2009}

    author      = {G. Alonso and D. Kossmann and T. Roscoe and N. Tatbul
                   and A. Baumann and C. Binnig and P. Fischer and O. Riva
                   and J. Teubner},
    title       = {{The ETH Zurich Systems Group and Enterprise Computing
    journal     = {{ACM SIGMOD Record}},
    volume      = {37},
    number      = {4},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {2008}

    author      = {M. Akdere and and U. \c{C}etintemel and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Plan-based Complex Event Detection Across Distributed
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Auckland, New Zealand},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2008}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and Y. Ahmad and U. \c{C}etintemel and
                   J. Hwang and Y. Xing and S. Zdonik},
    editor      = {A. Labrinidis and S. Nittel and A. Stefanidis},
    booktitle   = {{Advances in Geosensor Networks}},
    title       = {{Load Management and High Availability in the
                    Borealis Distributed Stream Processing Engine}},
    publisher   = {{LNCS 4540, Springer}},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2008}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and U. \c{C}etintemel and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Staying FIT: Efficient Load Shedding Techniques for 
                    Distributed Stream Processing}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Vienna, Austria},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2007}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Load Shedding Techniques for Data Stream
                    Management Systems}},
    school      = {{Brown University}},
    address     = {Providence, RI},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {2006}

    author      = {Y. Ahmad and B. Berg and U. \c{C}etintemel and
                   M. Humphrey and J. Hwang and A. Jhingran and A. Maskey and
                   O. Papaemmanouil and A. Rasin and N. Tatbul and W. Xing and
                   Y. Xing and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{The Borealis Distributed Stream Processing Engine
                    (Invited Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on GeoSensor Networks (GSN'06)}},
    address     = {Boston, MA},
    month       = {October},
    year        = {2006}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Window-aware Load Shedding for Aggregation Queries 
                    over Data Streams}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Seoul, Korea},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2006}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Dealing with Overload in Distributed Stream Processing 
    booktitle   = {{IEEE ICDE International Workshop on Networking Meets
                    Databases (NetDB'06)}},
    address     = {Atlanta, GA},
    month       = {April},
    year        = {2006}

    author      = {Y. Ahmad and B. Berg and U. \c{C}etintemel and 
                   M. Humphrey and J. Hwang and A. Jhingran and A. Maskey and 
                   O. Papaemmanouil and A. Rasin and N. Tatbul and W. Xing and 
                   Y. Xing and S. Zdonik}, 
    title       = {{Distributed Operation in the Borealis Stream Processing 
                    Engine (Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                    Data (SIGMOD'05)}},
    address     = {Baltimore, MD},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2005}

    author      = {D. Abadi and Y. Ahmad and M. Balazinska and 
                   U. \c{C}etintemel and M. Cherniack and J. Hwang and 
                   W. Lindner and A. Maskey and A. Rasin and E. Ryvkina and 
                   N. Tatbul and Y. Xing and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{The Design of the Borealis Stream Processing Engine}},
    booktitle   = {{Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR'05)}},
    address     = {Asilomar, CA}, 
    month       = {January},
    year        = {2005}

    author      = {H. Balakrishnan and M. Balazinska and D. Carney
                   and U. \c{C}etintemel and M. Cherniack and
                   C. Convey and E. Galvez and J. Salz and
                   M. Stonebraker and N. Tatbul and R. Tibbetts 
                   and S. Zdonik},
    editor      = {J. M. Hellerstein and M. Stonebraker},
    booktitle   = {{Readings in Database Systems}},
    title       = {{Retrospective on Aurora}},
    publisher   = {{MIT Press}},
    edition     = {4th},
    month       = {January},
    year        = {2005}

    author      = {H. Balakrishnan and M. Balazinska and D. Carney
                   and U. \c{C}etintemel and M. Cherniack and
                   C. Convey and E. Galvez and J. Salz and
                   M. Stonebraker and N. Tatbul and R. Tibbetts 
                   and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Retrospective on Aurora}},
    journal     = {{VLDB Journal, Special Issue on Data Stream Processing}},
    volume      = {13},
    number      = {4},
    year        = {2004}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and M. Buller and R. Hoyt and S. Mullen and 
                   S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Confidence-based Data Management for Personal Area Sensor 
    booktitle   = {{VLDB International Workshop on Data Management for Sensor 
                    Networks (DMSN'04)}},
    address     = {Toronto, Canada},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2004}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and U. \c{C}etintemel and S. Zdonik
                   and M. Cherniack and M. Stonebraker},
    title       = {{Load Shedding in a Data Stream Manager}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases
    address     = {Berlin, Germany},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2003}

    author      = {D. Abadi and D. Carney and  U. \c{C}etintemel
                   and M. Cherniack and C. Convey and S. Lee
                   and M. Stonebraker and N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Aurora: A New Model and Architecture for Data Stream 
    journal     = {{VLDB Journal, Special Issue on Best Papers of VLDB 2002}},
    volume      = {12},
    number      = {2},
    year        = {2003}

    author      = {D. Abadi and D. Carney and U. \c{C}etintemel and 
                   M. Cherniack and C. Convey and C. Erwin and  E. Galvez and 
                   M. Hatoun and J. Hwang and A. Maskey and A. Rasin and 
                   A. Singer and M. Stonebraker and N. Tatbul and Y. Xing and 
                   R.Yan and S. Zdonik}, 
    title       = {{Aurora: A Data Stream Management System (Demonstration)}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of 
                    Data (SIGMOD'03)}},
    address     = {San Diego, CA},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2003}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and U. \c{C}etintemel and S. Zdonik
                   and M. Cherniack and M. Stonebraker},
    title       = {{Load Shedding on Data Streams}},
    booktitle   = {{ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Management and Processing of Data
                    Streams (MPDS'03)}},
    address     = {San Diego, CA},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {2003}

    author      = {D. Carney and U. \c{C}etintemel and M. Cherniack and
                   C. Convey and S. Lee and G. Seidman and M. Stonebraker and
                   N. Tatbul and S. Zdonik},
    title       = {{Monitoring Streams - A New Class of Data Management
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Very Large Data Bases 
    address     = {Hong Kong, China},
    month       = {August},
    year        = {2002}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{OoS-Driven Load Shedding on Data Streams}},
    booktitle   = {{EDBT Ph.D. Workshop}},
    address     = {Prague, Czech Republic},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2002},

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    editor      = {Akmal B. Chaudhri and Rainer Unland and Chabane Djeraba and
                   Wolfgang Lindner},
    booktitle   = {{EDBT 2002 Workshops}}, 
    title       = {{OoS-Driven Load Shedding on Data Streams}},
    publisher   = {{Springer}},
    series      = {{Lecture Notes in Computer Science}},
    volume      = {2490},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2002}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and O. Karpenko and C. Convey and J. Yan},
    title       = {{Data Integration Services}},
    institution = {{Brown University, Computer Science}},
    number      = {},
    month       = {May},
    year        = {2001}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Index Structures and Algorithms for Efficient Profile 
    institution = {{Brown University, Computer Science}},
    number      = {{CS-01-09}},
    month       = {April},
    year        = {2001}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and Y. Tamba\u{g} and A. T\"{u}mer 
                   and M. Ezbiderli and N. Tatbul and N. Hamal{\i} and 
                   C. \.{I}cdem and C. Beeri},
    title       = {{A Workflow System through Cooperating Agents for 
                    Control and Document Flow over the Internet"}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Cooperative Information
                    Systems (CoopIS'00)}},
    address     = {Eilat, Israel},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {2000}

    author      = {S. Arp{\i}nar and A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{An Open Electronic Marketplace through Agent-based 
                    Workflows: MOPPET}},
    journal     = {{International Journal on Digital Libraries}},
    volume      = {3},
    number      = {1},
    month       = {July},
    year        = {2000}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and M. Ezbiderli and Y. Tamba\u{g} 
                   and C. \.{I}cdem and A. T\"{u}mer and N. Tatbul and 
                   N. Hamal{\i} and C. Beeri},
    title       = {{The MARIFlow Workflow Management System}},
    booktitle   = {{IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering 
    address     = {San Diego, CA},
    month       = {March},
    year        = {2000}

    author      = {\.{I}. \c{C}ingil and A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and N. 
                   Tatbul and S. Arp{\i}nar},
    title       = {{An Adaptable Workflow System Architecture on the Internet
                    for Electronic Commerce Applications}},
    booktitle   = {{International Symposium on Distributed Objects and 
                    Applications (DOA'99)}},
    address     = {Edinburgh, UK},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {1999}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and C. Beeri and A. T\"{u}mer and 
                   M. Ezbiderli and N. Tatbul and C. \.{I}cdem and 
                   G. Erus and O. \c{C}etinkaya and N. Hamal{\i}},
    editor      = {C. Guedes Soares and J. Brodda},
    booktitle   = {{Application of Information Technologies 
                    to the Maritime Industry}},
    title       = {{MARIFlow: A Workflow Management System for 
                    Maritime Industry}},
    publisher   = {{EU/ESPRIT Program, MAREXPO Consortium}},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {1999}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and \.{I}. Durusoy and S. Arp{\i}nar and 
                   N. Tatbul and P. K\"{o}ksal},
    editor      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and T. \"{O}zsu and \"{O}. Ulusoy},
    booktitle   = {{Current Trends in Data Management Technology}},
    title       = {{An Electronic Marketplace Architecture}},
    publisher   = {{Idea Group Publishing}},
    month       = {February},
    year        = {1999}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and \.{I}. Durusoy and S. Arp{\i}nar and 
                   N. Tatbul and P. K\"{o}ksal and \.{I}. \c{C}ingil and 
                   N. Dimililer},
    title       = {{A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web}},
    journal     = {{ACM SIGMOD Record}},
    volume      = {27},
    number      = {4},
    month       = {December},
    year        = {1998}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and \.{I}. Durusoy and S. Arp{\i}nar and 
                   E. G\"{o}kkoca and N. Tatbul and P. K\"{o}ksal},
    title       = {{METU-EMar: Agent-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web}},
    booktitle   = {{European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology
                    for Digital Libraries (ECDL'98), Delos Workshop}},
    address     = {Crete, Greece},
    month       = {September},
    year        = {1998}

    author      = {P. Karag\"{o}z and S. Arp{\i}nar and P. K\"{o}ksal and 
                   N. Tatbul and E. G\"{o}kkoca and A. Do\u{g}a\c{c}},
    title       = {{Task Handling in Workflow Management Systems}},
    booktitle   = {{International Workshop on Issues and Applications of 
                    Database Technology (IADT'98)}},
    address     = {Berlin, Germany},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {1998}

    author      = {N. Tatbul},
    title       = {{Guard Generation for a Distributed Workflow 
                    Enactment Service}},
    school      = {{Middle East Technical University (METU)}},
    address     = {Ankara, Turkey},
    month       = {February},
    year        = {1998}

    author      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and E. G\"{o}kkoca and S. Arp{\i}nar and 
                   P. K\"{o}ksal and \.{I}. \c{C}ingil and B. Arp{\i}nar and 
                   N. Tatbul and P. Karag\"{o}z and U. Hal{\i}c{\i} and 
                   M. Alt{\i}nel},
    editor      = {A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and L. Kalinichenko and T. \"{O}zsu and 
                   A. Sheth},
    booktitle   = {{Advances in Workflow Management Systems and 
    title       = {{Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow 
                    Management System: METUFlow}},
    publisher   = {{Springer-Verlag}},
    year        = {1998}

    author      = {N. Tatbul and S. Nural and P. Karag\"{o}z and 
                   \.{I}. \c{C}ingil and E. G\"{o}kkoca and M. Alt{\i}nel 
                   and P. K\"{o}ksal and A. Do\u{g}a\c{c} and T. \"{O}zsu},
    title       = {{A Workflow Specification Language and its Scheduler}},
    booktitle   = {{International Symposium on Computer and Information 
                    Sciences (ISCIS'97)}},
    address     = {Antalya, Turkey},
    month       = {October},
    year        = {1997}

    author      = {E. G\"{o}kkoca and M. Alt{\i}nel and \.{I}. \c{C}ingil and 
                   N. Tatbul and P. K\"{o}ksal and A. Do\u{g}a\c{c}},
    title       = {{Design and Implementation of a Distributed Workflow 
                    Enactment Service}},
    booktitle   = {{International Conference on Cooperative Information 
                    Systems (CoopIS'97)}},
    address     = {Kiawah Island, SC},
    month       = {June},
    year        = {1997}