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News and UpdatesPreschooler * Toddler * Infant * Newborn * PregnancyMonday, August 28, 2006 36 weeks, 6 days Cale Monroe Hehmeyer Teevan was born at 10:05am without any complications (and without any pain medication). Like his identical twin brother, Dillon James Hehmeyer Teevan, he is big (7lbs, 6oz), healthy, and home with his family, nursing up a storm. More news to come... Saturday, August 19, 2006 35 weeks, 4 days The boys weighed in the 6 to 6-1/2 lb range Friday. Jaime continues to contract regularly (at least every 10 minutes, often more) -- hopefully she and Alex will be able to identify when labor starts for real. Tuesday, August 8, 2006 34 weeks Woo-hoo! As of today, the twins can be born at Mt. Auburn Hospital instead of having to be born at a bigger downtown hospital with a Level III NICU. Jaime has begun to get out of bed and move around a little, although after nine weeks in bed a little movement feels like a lot. Here's hoping the twins stay put through the full moon tomorrow, and for another couple weeks more. Saturday, July 29, 2006 32 weeks, 4 days Yesterday's ultrasound revealed both babies are again close in weight (4lbs, 13oz and 5lbs) and very healthy. Jaime now begins weekly non-stress tests and fluid checks in addition to the regular biophysical ultrasounds and appointments with her midwife. She's going to be spending a lot of time at the doctor's until these babies are born! Friday, July 21, 2006 31 weeks, 3 days Griffin, after watching Alex tell Jaime's belly, "Daddy loves you," walked over to her belly and said, "Hi Babies! Mommy and Daddy love you!" Griff is going to be a loving big brother, even when he figures out how much work the babies are once born. Thursday, July 20, 2006 31 weeks, 2 days The twins are getting close to the important 32 week milestone, and Jaime is very happy to still be pregnant despite increasing discomfort. The past couple of weeks have included many small trips to the hospital, but as Jaime's cervix is only changing very slowly none of the trips has lasted very long. Griffin finds each visit to be a great adventure, and looks forward to getting his mama's hospital bracelet each time. He has quite a collection. Last Friday's ultrasound revealed all to be generally good, with the exception being that the twins' weights have become somewhat discordant (3lbs 7oz and 4lbs 1oz). No signs of TTTS other than the weight discrepancy have presented themselves, and the perinatologist seemed comfortable with the difference. Jaime and Alex, however, can't wait until next Friday's ultrasound to confirm all is well, and Jaime had a brief scare on Tuesday due to very little fetal activity. Fortunately, a non-stress test revealed the babies are fine, and they have gotten more active since. Because things continue to progress more or less well, Mom and Dad have begun discussing labor and delivery as if it might actually happen in a relatively normal manner (versus as an emergency situation). Both babies are currently vertex, and the parents are hoping it might be possible to repeat big brother Griffin's natural birth experience. Wednesday, June 28, 2006 28 weeks, 1 day Jaime tested negative for gestational diabetes, and her hematocrit levels were great. Wednesday, June 21, 2006 27 weeks, 1 day Today's ultrasound was all good news. Both twins are growing well (in the 64th and 65th percentile) and within an ounce of each other (2lbs 8oz and 2lbs 9oz). Bedrest seems to be working, and Jaime's cervix is longer than its been in weeks. The twins also turned from breech to vertex. Here's hoping they stay that way -- for a good 10 weeks! Sunday, June 18, 2006 26 weeks, 5 days Sadly, the twins will never meet their Mamou, although their Mamou already loved them very much. Connie died on Thursday (url). Tuesday, June 13, 2006 26 weeks Jaime and the twins spent another night in the hospital due to frequent and regular contractions. They're home again, but it looks like they will be in and out for the duration of the pregnancy. Thus far the contractions have had little affect on Jaime's cervix. The goal is just to keep it that way. Sunday, June 11, 2006 25 weeks, 5 days This week was a little scary. Late Tuesday night Jaime noticed some mild contractions. She went to the hospital just to be on the safe side, and it turned out she was indeed contracting regularly. After the first pass of anti-contraction drugs didn't work and her cervix progressed from tightly closed to slightly dialated, she was transfered to another hospital with a Level III NICU that would be able to care for the babies should they be born. Fortunately, the contractions evenutally stopped and the babies stayed put. Jaime spent the rest of the week in the hospital, but is home today on bed rest. Despite the scare, things generally look promising -- her cervix remains relatively long, she's no longer contracting, and the Fetal Fibronectin test came back negative. Alex and Jaime don't think the twins are going to be born soon, despite all that's happened, and are going to work hard for the next ten weeks to make sure that's true. Tuesday, May 30, 2006 24 weeks Today the twins are officially viable. They've been busy lately keeping Mom company as she finishes up her thesis (to be submitted a week from Friday). An ultrasound last Friday revealed all continues to go well. Friday, May 5, 2006 20 weeks, 3 days Everything continues to look great. Both twins weighed in at 14 ounces at today's ultrasound. They're both still boys, too. Wednesday, April 12, 2006 17 weeks, 1 day An ultrasound today revealed both babies are healthy, exactly the same size, and... Boys! Monday, April 3, 2006 15 weeks, 6 days Heart beats in the 150s for both babies. Friday, March 3, 2006 11 weeks, 3 days Dad got to join Jaime at an ultrasound today to check at the nuchal lucency. Both parents were amazed at how much the two little ones look like babies already. One didn't feel like turning the right way for the doctor despite much poking and prodding, but as the other looks fine all is assumed to be well. Thursday, March 2, 2006 11 weeks, 2 days Heart beats: 168 beats/minute and 162 beats/minute Thursday, February 2, 2006 7 weeks, 2 days Despite Jaime's high hCG levels, everyone has still been shocked that Jaime learned today at her first prenatal appointment that she is expecting twins! Mom and Dad have lots of learning and preparing to do these next months, and quite an exciting couple of years ahead of them. Following the discovery, Jaime was sent into Boston for a detailed ultrasound. The twins are monochorionic-diamnionic (mono-di), which means they are identical. Identical twins are fairly rare (3-5/1000 births), and the incidence is not influenced by external factors like heredity, race, age, diet or reproductive technology. Identical twins are higher risk than fraternal twins. Expect lots of pictures, as this pregnancy will be closely monitored. Heart beats: 158 beats/minute and 150 beats/minute Thursday, January 12, 2006 4 weeks, 2 days Jaime returns to MIT Medical for a second blood draw and confirms her hormone levels are rising properly (although somewhat quickly -- rumored to be another sign of twins). hCG level: 2177. Another possible explanation for Jaime's relatively high numbers: Studies have shown that mothers with female embryos have statistically significantly higher levels of hCG during the first trimester. Jaime has been suspecting a girl since she first suspected being pregnant. Tuesday, January 10, 2006 4 weeks MIT Medical confirms Jaime is pregnant. hCG level: 822 (which is somewhat high -- maybe twins?). Thursday, January 5, 2006 3 weeks, 2 days An impatient Jaime took a home pregnancy test five days early -- and is surprised to receive a positive! Alex and Jaime are very excited to welcome a new family member. Griffin will make a great big brother. He already takes good care of his baby doll. |