Yummy bug cookies!
Yummy real bug party favors!
Yummy bug birthday cake!
Hunting for ladybugs outside
The captured ladybugs
The bug chef prepares lunch
Dillon's whole family in Hawaii
Swimming with Mama
Visiting the fish at the Ocean Center
Hanging around a Maui playground
Dillon particularly loves the hot tub
Exploring a tropical rainforest
On the plane to Boston
A trip on the Swan Boats
Starting the trip home on the T
Dillon ate a whole lobster!
Cooking something good with playdoh
Braving shots with his brothers
Cale visits Dill at his new classroom
A fancy dinner at home
At the Bug Zoo in Victoria
Devilish Dillon on Halloween
Dillon's first school picture
In a Kitty Cave with Cale
With Dada on Thanskgiving
The whole family is in town
Out to brunch with Mama and Dada
Choosing the Christmas tree
Enjoying a pretend blackout