The boys model their new boots
Cale and Dillon are all smile
The Experience Music Project
Looking for a pumpkin
Discussing pumpkins with Griff
And finding the perfect one
A wheelbarrow ride with his bros
Loading up the wheelbarrow
Feeding the goats and lamas
Happy Halloween 2008
Getting ready to trick or treat
Trick or treating in the neighborhood
Dillon and his brothers
The boys show their belly
The Teevan Hehmeyer Family
The boys cuddle in bed
Playing in the snow out back
A visit with Santa on the Santa Train
Celebrating Christmas 2008
Reading on Christmas Eve
Presents await Christmas morn
The stocking is very exciting
Ringing in the New Year with..
..the people Dillon loves
Dressing up in Mamou's clothes
Sheila has her hands full
3 tigers, complete with whiskers
Hunting wild tarantulas
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Easter, waiting to go downstairs
At the San Francisco Zoo
With his Great Grandparents
At McCaw Hall for a concert
"Helping" Mama cook
Headed to Baby Loves Disco
Dill loves his pet megladon
A blue tounge at Great Wolf
Dillon's first trip to the dentist
Hiking with Unka Munka
At the Tulip Festival with Mama
More walks in Bridle Trails Park
Happy Fourth of July!
Bouncing with Brother Cale
The Teemeyer boys go punk
A summer dinner outside
Dillon at swim lessons
Playing in the kiddie pool