Event Captain!
Thank you for volunteering to be an event captain. We all really appreciate
your help in bringing success to our most fabulous team. Being an Event
Captain shouldn't involve too much work. What it does involve is:
- Getting people to attend your event! Most events are heavily
weighted for participation, and all events are more fun when a lot of people
participate. So encourage, cajole, bribe, force your colleagues to get
out and play! Talking to people personally is much more effective than
email. For this reason, everyone's office number is included on the
participation page.
- Help the event run smoothly! Attend the event yourself. Help make
sure everyone knows the rules. Encourage people to have fun.
- Make people glad to attend your event! It would be great to let
everyone know how much we appreciate their attending the event you are
championing. Get them excited by sending out emails, pointing team members
to interesting, relevant information. Thank people who attended personally.
Give them a note, a flower, a treat, or a personalized email.
If you're not already an Event Captain, but are interested in being one,
email teevan@mit.edu to sign up.