Bill Thies Office hours: Sat 1-3pm, here Announcements: - PS 6 due Wednesday - PS 7 out, no problems - Week from Wed: take home test (due Mon 11/22) Today: - Depth-first search --------------------------------------------------------- DEPTH-FIRST SEARCH << give intuition: go as far down one path until you hit node you've already visited; backtrack until there is unexplored node. >> << algorithm is useful not just for searching, but because it maintains extra information about graph, in terms of starting and finishing times. will see applications >> DFS(G) for each vertex u in V[G] do color[u] <- WHITE pi[u] <- NIL time <- 0 for each vertex u \in V[G] do if color[u] = WHITE then DFS-VISIT(u) DFS-VISIT(u) color[u] <- GRAY time <- time + 1 d[u] <- time for each v \in Adj[u] do if color[v] = WHITE then pi[v] <- u DFS-VISIT(v) color[u] <- BLACK f[u] <- time + 1 time <- time + 1 --------------------------------------------------------- [ work example of DFS. See CLRS p.542 for similar picture. ] Runtime? << annotate loop in code to run Theta(E) times >> - Theta (V + E) --------------------------------------------------------- Depth-First Forest: tree with multiple roots [ draw example. See CLRS p. 544, Figure 22.5(a) for similar picture. ] << note: this is depth-first forest, following the pi values >> << note: includes all vertices in graph >> --------------------------------------------------------- Edge Classification << add edges to forest, labeling as you go >> 1. Tree edge: encounter new (white) vertex - gray to white 2. Back edge: from descendent to ancestor - gray to gray 3. Forward edge: nontree edge from ancestor to descendent - gray to black 4. cross edge: remainder - betweeen trees or sub-trees - gray to black --------------------------------------------------------- [ draw timing version. See CLRS p. 544, Figure 22.5(b) for similar picture. ] Parenthesis theorem. Only relationship between intervals for pair of vertices is as follows: 0 N time ----------------> -------------- (one completely overlaps the other) ----- ------ ----- (intervals are disjoint) Why not: a ------- (only partial overlap) b -------- --> b must be descendant of a. Must finish b before finishing a. --------------------------------------------------------- Using timing to classify edge (a, b) 1. b: ------------------ BACK EDGE a: -------- that is, d[b] < d[a] < f[a] < f[b] 2. a: ------------------ TREE or FORWARD EDGE b: -------- that is, d[a] < d[b] < f[b] < f[a] 3. b: ----- a: ------ CROSS EDGE that is, d[b] < f[b] < d[a] < f[a] 4. a: ----- b: ------ impossible edge --------------------------------------------------------- Lemma. If G is undirected, a DFS produces only tree and back edges. Proof. << by picture>> Try to make a forward edge, drawn from 1->3 1---- \T \F? --> No, this edge is actually a back edge from 3->1 2 | \T | 3-- Try to make a cross edge from 2 |T 3 T/ \T 4---5 C? --> No, this edge is actually tree edge from 4->5 (and 5->3 is back edge) Q: Test in O(V) time whether or not an undirected graph has a cycle? A: Run DFS, output true on first back edge. - if no back edges, E = O(V) - if back edge, quit when found it << does this algorithm work on directed graph? yes...>> --------------------------------------------------------- We did not cover this in recitation. | | Theorem. A digraph has cycle iff DFS yields a back edge | Proof. | --> if (a,b) backedge, then v is ancestor of u in depth-first forest | --> if cycle, let a = first vertex discovered. let be = predecessor on cycle. | | \./ | b --> a --> --> | | ... | | | << must visit everything reachable from b before returning from | DFS-visit. Thus, (a,b) is a backedge >> | | Runtime? Theta(V + E) | - must visit all forward and cross edges | --------------------------------------------------------- Topological Sort - Linear ordering of V s.t. (a, b) in E implies a precedes b in ordering << layout vertices on horiz. line s.t. all edges are from left to right >> [ draw example from book, p. 550 ] undershorts \ socks watch | --------\ | \|/ ---\ \./ pants ------------------> shoes | \./ belt <---- shirt | \./ | tie | \./ |-------> jacket --------------------------------------------------------- TOPO-SORT(G) 1. run DFS(G) 2. output vertices in DECREASING order of finishing times f[v] [ work through example, starting at shirt ] [ draw linear ordering ] Correctness: (a, b) in E ==> f[a] > f[b] - When (a, b) is explored, a is gray - b gray: back edge (not in dag) - b white: b becomes descendent of a ==> f[a] > f[b] - b black: b already finished, but a not finished ==> f[a] > f[b] Runtime? O(V+E) - Can output vertices in reverse order as you are running DFS --------------------------------------------------------- We only talked through this in recitation (didn't put on board) | | DAG Shortest Paths [CLRS p. 592] | | << will help on your problem set >> | | DAG-Shortest-Paths (G, w, s) | 1. run TOPO-SORT(G) | 2. INITIALIZE-SINGLE-SOURCE (G, s) | 3. for each vertex a, in topo. sorted order | do for each vertex b \in Adj[a] | do RELAX(a, b, w) | | Only paths go from left to right, so never have to relax from right. | | Theta(V+E) time (vs. Dijkstra's algorithm, Theta(E + V lg V) | --------------------------------------------------------- We did not cover this in recitation | | DFS vs. BFS | | Recall BFS: | Q <- V | while Q is not empty | do a <- DEQUEUE (Q) | for each b in Adj[a] | do if b not in VISITED | then VISITED <- VISITED + {b} | ENQUEUE(Q, b) | | How to change this to DFS? | - replace Q with stack (draw push, pop) | | DFS BFS | memory usage small (# edges in path) large (# edges in queue) | edge classification tree, back, forward, cross tree, cross | path found arbitrary shortest | misc start/finish time apps (only starts from one vertex) | --> e.g., connectivity (SCC) | << physical -- for exploring maze >> | --------------------------------------------------------- | | True / False | | T/F: if there is path from u to v in directed graph G, and if d[u] < | d[v] in DFS, then v is descendant of u in depth-first forest produced | | false. could be vertex z on path from u to v with d[z] < d[u]. | | T/F: if there is path from u to v in digraph G, then any DFS must | result in d[v] <= f[u] | | false. cross edges. | | T/F: a vertex u of a directed graph can end up in a depth-first tree | containin only u, even though u has both incoming and outgoing edges | in G. | | true (self loop)