my birthday dinner at the Cheesecake/course 6 table

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I have two pictures for this table. I chose this picture though my face is blurry. Well, everyone else looks nice.

This table is full of course 6 people, except Eleanor and Amanda. Eleanor is a really smart course 16 kid from Canada. Amanda is course 10. I think it's really cool that she's half Chinese.

All the rest are course 6ers. Dennis and Drew have been my tutors for a long time. For any EE question I can ask Dennis, and any CS question, I can ask Drew. They are awesome! They know everything.

Rong is my partying buddy. We are both in movement in time dance group. We have fun together!

I started getting to know Angelika and Katherine by studying or working with them. They are both very, very smart. We became really good friends after work/classes.

Elena is my neghbour. We share secrets because we live so close and Elena is such an amazing person. I'm happy to have her as my neighbour and friend.