ThinkTank Commercial - SSP 2005 Product name ideas: PonderPuzzle PuzzleBot JiggyJam Puzzle Master Discovery Box TreasureBox Characters: Teacher, 3 students Scene: Classroom Teacher is pointing to map and lecturing to her students. T: And here we have South America! Don't forget it's got the Atlantic to the east and... [Cut] Students looking perplexed, thinking hard, scratching heads, etc [Cut] T: Here is your quiz. You have exactly 10 minutes to draw a map of the world. Good luck! Stupid grin. Twirls around and walks away [Cut] Students still perplexed but now they have a look of terror on their faces [Cut] 10 minutes later T: Alright class! Let's see your maps! Students' pictures are horrible. Teacher shrieks and drops utensils. Begins to cry and shakes fists saying... T: WHAT SHALL I DO?! HOW WILL THEY EVER LEARN??? [Cut] All S: We know! S1: We need the PonderPuzzle!!! T: PonderPuzzle?? Why... I have one right here!! Pulls PonderPuzzle out of a random place. All S: Yay! S2: With the PonderPuzzle we can learn geography S3: And since it talks we'll learn all sorts of other interesting information ! ALL: WOW! PonderPuzzle!!!!