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Introduction (in English)
I worked at Microsft this summer and NVIDIA for the past two summers in California. Living in Sillicon Valley was amazing. I love the place, not just because palm trees are beautiful, but also there are a great deal of intelligent people who I want to hang out with. I was working on developing APIs and test scripts for MS this year at Microsoft. At NVIDIA I was working on power saving verification in the GPU notebook group for the first summer, and doing bringup for the second summer. I gained lots of hardware and software experience, Verilog, Linux, C++, C#, etc. We, about 40 MIT interns who were working in the bay-area, tried to explore California every weekend. We went to LA, San Fransisco, Yosemite, Lake Tahoe, Big Basin... All good stuff. Here are some pictures from the first summer. I studied at the University of Cambridge, England doing the Engineering Tripos Part IIA in my Junior year through CME (Cambridge MIT exchange). The decision of spending one quarter of my university time abroad was tough, because I was not sure whether I wanted such a dramatic change of environment. However, I was pretty far ahead academically, and really eager to see the world. Besides, I was put in Trinity College, the biggest and richest college at Cambridge. The Cambridge education is a lot more theoretical versus the MIT education, being more applicable. I see this as an advantage for me, because I got the best of both sides. The year at Cambridge gave me a real chance to travel around Europe. I went to Italy, Germany, France, Switzerland, and Czech Republic. Seeing how other people in the world live their lives made me ponder about my life. It taught me a lot of things that I couldn't learn from books. To see where I've lived in, where I've been to, and where I want to go to, click here. For the first time in my life, I saw how British people live their lives. It's actually pretty different from what I saw in romantic comedies with Hugh Grant in them, such as Love Actually, Notting Hill, Four Weddings and a Funeral... I can't say much about the whole of England, but Cambridge's streets are quite narrow and crowded, houses are small and usually under-heated in the winter to save energy. London is really crowded and very expensive. You have to rely on public transportation in London, though it's an exciting city regardless. Now I'm back at MIT, enjoying the fire-hose experience. I'm doing a one year Masters of Engineering this year on Computer Architecture. I'm really excited about it! |
Introduction (in Chinese) 我在北京土生土长,艾窝窝和紫米粥是我最爱吃得好吃的。我在北京灿烂成长十八年,直到从人才辈出的人大附中高三时来到美国。我为自己的中文自豪,英文骄傲!不过最近突然发现吾中文失儿音,英文添儿音。有点忘本被美化了。与我“出生入死”的铁战友们大部分都在中国,我可想念他们了,尤其是有快乐的事情想和他们分享的时候。我特高兴考上了麻省理工学院,这儿的人都特神特强,在这儿呆了两年,交了些好朋友,也觉得美国像个家了。 我今年在微软打工,前两个夏天我在NVIDIA打工, 都在加州。我每次来加州都特兴奋,一看见椰子树我就特美。 去年我去剑桥读的书,麻省理工和英国剑桥有个学生交换活动,我去剑桥读了一年。特强的是我进了剑桥最牛最有钱的学院,特里妮堤。虽然是对麻省理工恋恋不舍,但英国剑桥确实是值得一去。见了世面,交了些朋友,也玩了个痛快。前年从剑桥来麻省理工的学生都特好,居然还有我的高中校友,他使我对剑桥更有好感了。在剑桥的一年特好,就是老被人家耻笑我的美国口音。唉哉,英国人老觉得他们的口音正宗。
Last updated: April 19, 2009 Tina Wen (tinaw at mit dot edu) |