Brief Bio

[11/89 - 3/94]          M.S. in Mathematics at University of Catania, Italy.
[3/94 - 11/94]          Post-graduate school in Industrial Modeling.
                                ( IBM, University of Catania, and University of Kaiserslautern, Germany)
[9/94-10/94]            Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern.
[1/95 - 5/96]            C.N.R (Italian National Research Council) Research Associate at the Math Departmeny  of University of Catania.
[9/96 - 9/97]            CNR Research Associate at Courant Institute of Mathematical Science, New York University.
[9/96 -1/98]             M.S. in Computer Science at New York University.
[3/98 - 1/00]            Software Engineer, AT&T Labs (Middletown, NJ, USA).
[4/00 - 10/02]          Member Technical Staff at the Secure System Research Department, Bell Labs (Murray Hill, NJ, USA).
[11/02 - 9/02]          Research Associate at the Dependable Group Research Lab, ISTI CNR (Pisa, Italy).
[1/03 – 12/05]         Ph.D. in Computer Science  (University of Pisa and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA ).
[1/06 – present]      Post-Doc researcher at CSAIL MIT.