
Daniela Tulone

Dependable Computing Research Lab
ISTI (Istitute of Sciences and Technologies A.Faedo)
CNR (Italian National Council)

via Moruzzi, 1
Pisa 56124, Italy
phone: +39 050 315 2911
fax: +39 050 315 2810


Hi, after six enjoyable years spent in New York City, first at the Courant Institute of New York University and then at Bell-Labs as member of the Secure System Research Department, I am now back in Italy!
I have joined the Dependable Computing Research Lab and am also working towards my Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Pisa.

I am interested in fault tolerance and distributed computing with particular focus on the design of protocols resilient to Byzantine failures, efficient for large and dynamic populations.  I am interested  also in consistency criteria, in complexity analysis and randomized approaches. The goal of my research projects is to blend theory and practice and see how theory can impact technologies.

Relevant projects I have worked on:

Brief Bio
Curriculum Vitae

Brief Bio

[11/89 - 3/94]          M.S. in Mathematics at University of Catania, Italy.
[3/94 - 11/94]          Graduate School of Industrial Modeling (University of Catania, University of Kaisersalautern, Germany and IBM).
[9/94]                        Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern.
[1/95 - 5/96]            CNR Research Associate at Department of Mathematics, University of Catania.
[9/96 - 9/97]            CNR Research Associate at Courant, New York University.
[9/96 -1/98]             MS in Computer Science, NYU.
[3/98 - 1/00]           Software Engineer, AT&T Labs.
[4/00 - 10/02]         Member Technical Staff, Bell Labs Murray Hill.
[11/02 - present]   Research Associate at the Dependable Group Research Lab, ISTI CNR.
[11/02 - present]   Ph.D. at the Department of Computer Science of University of Pisa.

Last modified April 2003.