Daniela Tulone

32 Vassar Street, room 32-G636
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Phone 617 236 8301

Department of Computer Science
University of Pisa
via Buonarroti, 2
56127 Pisa, Italy

after six enjoyable years spent in New York City, first at the Computer Science Department of New York University, then at AT&T Labs, and lastly at Bell-Labs as member of the Secure System Research Department, I moved back to Italy... and to school as well! I started my Ph.D. at the Computer Science Department of University of Pisa in the Wireless Group and Mobile Computing. Currently, I am at MIT, as a shared Ph.D. student, working on my thesis with Professor Nancy Lynch in the Theory of Distributed Systems Group research group at CSAIL MIT.

My research interests focus mainly on Byzantine-tolerance and on the design of fault-tolerant protocols suitable to highly dynamic systems such as wireless sensor networks. In particular, I am interested in the efficiency and scalability issues of fault-tolerant primitives, including randomized approaches and quorum system techniques. Blending theory and practice motivated me to switch to Computer Science after my MS in Math, and this interest is still strong.  I find very interesting the interaction among different research areas, and feel that having worked  as a software engineer for few years was a useful experience for me to get a grip with the real world, and to find out what I like best! :-)

Current interests: efficiency in time estimation and coordination protocols for wireless sensor networks, weaker data consistencies, efficient quorum systems.
Some previous (but not remote) interests: Byzantine-tolerance, Byzantine-tolerant data repository for very large systems, randomized strategies, clock synchronization, secure digital timestamping service, automatic theorem proving, probabilistic theorem proving in Geometry.

Last modified June 2004.