Publications in Data Structures
Nearly Optimal Separation Between Partially and Fully Retroactive Data Structures,
Lijie Chen, Erik D. Demaine, Yuzhou Gu, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, Yinzhan Xu, Yuancheng Yu.
| [to come]
- A New Combinatorial Approach to Sparse Graph Problems, Guy Blelloch, V. Vassilevska, Ryan Williams.
| ICALP 2008
[Springer] [ps] [pdf]
- Uniquely Represented Data Structures for Computational Geometry, Guy Blelloch, Daniel Golovin, V. Vassilevska.
SWAT 2008
[Springer] [ps] [pdf]
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- Uniquely Represented Data Structures for Computational Geometry, Guy Blelloch, Daniel Golovin, V. Vassilevska, Carnegie Mellon University Technical Report CMU-CS-08-115.
Tech Report
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