Chinese Speech Data Collection

Hi, thank you for your interest in our data collection effort. We are currently developing a weather inquiry system called "ΔΎΠΗ" (Mu4 Xing1), which interacts with people using Mandarin Chinese. You can call the system at 617-252-7035, and ask for weather information using natural language -- in Chinese!

The system knows the weather information for about 100 Chinese cities, many US cities, and other major cities world-wide. The information includes general weather actions, such as sunny/thunderstorm, etc., as well as temperature, wind speed, sunrise/sunset times and humidity. To know more about the system, check out the FAQ page -- or even better, give it a try!

If you have questions, feel free to email me. But before you do, please check out the FAQ page to see if your question is already answered!

Please help us improve the system by calling it at 617-252-7035, and make it your preferred resource for weather information every day! Please recommend this page or give out the phone number to your Chinese friends, classmates, colleagues and relatives to try as well. Feel free to call as many times and ask as many questions as you can "tolerate" the system. Thanks!

200 Technology Square, Rm 639
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Tel: (617) 253 7772
Fax: (617) 258 8642