T. Kapur, W.E.L. Grimson, R. Kikinis, “Segmentation of Brain Tissue from MR Images”, First Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality, and Robotics in Medicine, Nice, France, April, 1995.
W.E.L. Grimson, G.J. Ettinger, S.J. White, P.L. Gleason, T. Lozano-Perez, W.M. Wells III, R. Kikinis, “Evaluating and Validating an Automated Registration System for Enhanced Reality Visualization in Surgery”, First Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality, and Robotics in Medicine, Nice, France, April, 1995.
W. M. Wells III, W.E.L. Grimson, R. Kikinis, F. A. Jolesz, “Adaptive Segmentation of MRI Data”. First Conference on Computer Vision, Virtual Reality, and Robotics in Medicine, Nice, France, April, 1995.
G.J. Ettinger, W.E.L. Grimson, M.E. Leventon, R. Kikinis, V. Gugino, W. Cote, M. Karapelou, L. Aglio, M. Shenton, G. Potts, E. Alexander, “Non-invasive Functional Brain Mapping Using Registered Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”, IEEE Workshop on Mathematical Methods in Biomedical Image Analysis, San Francisco, June 1996, pp. 32-41.
S. Gibson, J. Samosky, A. Mor, C. Fyock, E. Grimson, T. Kanade, R. Kikinis, H. Lauer, N. McKenzie, S. Nakajima, H. Ohkami, R. Osborne, A. Sawada, “Simulating Arthorscopic Knee Surgery Using Volumetric Object Representation, Real-time Volume Rendering, and Haptic Feedback”, First Joint Conference of CVRMED II and MRCAS III, Grenoble, March 1997.
G. Ettinger, M. Leventon, E. Grimson, R. Kikinis, V. Gugino, W. Cote, L. Sprung, L. Aglio, M. Shenton, G. Potts, E. Alexander, “Experimentation with a Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation System for Functional Brain Mapping”, First Joint Conference of CVRMED II and MRCAS III, Grenoble, March 1997.
G.F. Potts, L.D. Gugino, M.E. Leventon, W.E.L. Grimson, W. Cote, L. Sprung, R. Kikinis, E. Alexander III, and M.E. Shenton , “Visual Hemifield Mapping Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation”, Fourth Meeting of the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, March 23-25, Boston.
P. Lipson, E. Grimson, P. Sinha, “Configuration Based Scene Classification”, CVPR, 1997.
A. Lakshmi Ratan and E. Grimson, “Training templates for scene classification using several examples”, IEEE Workshop on Content-based Access of Image and Video Libraries, Puerto Rico, June 1997.
E. Grimson and T. Alter, “Verifying model-based alignments in the presence of uncertainty”, CVPR, 1997.
Liana M. Lorigo, Rodney A. Brooks, W.E.L. Grimson, “Visually-Guided Obstacle Avoidance in Unstructured Environments”, Proceedings of IEEE-RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, September 1997.
T. Kapur, P. Beardsley, S. Gibson, E. Grimson, W. Wells, “Model based segmentation of clinical knee MRI”, Workshop on Model Based 3D Image Analysis, ICCV 98, Bombay, India
A. Lakshmi Ratan, W.E.L. Grimson, W. M. Wells III, “Object detection and localization by dynamic template warping”, CVPR, 1998, Santa Barbara, CA.
W.E.L. Grimson, C. Stauffer, R. Romano, L. Lee, “Using adaptive tracking to classify and monitor activities in a site,” CVPR, 1998, Santa Barbara, CA, pp 22-29.
P. Black, F, Ozlen, A. Chabrerie, M. Leventon, E. Grimson, R. Kikinis, F. Jolesz, “Three Dimensional Planning and Surgical Navigator in the Surgery of Primary Intra-axial Brain Tumors,”AANS Tumor Symposium, Philadelphia, April 1998.
L. Lorigo, O. Faugeras, E. Grimson, R. Keriven, “Segmentation of bone in clinical knee MRI using texture-based geodesic active contours”, Medical Image Computation and Computer Assisted Interventions, Boston, October 1998.
M. Leventon, E. Grimson, “Multi-modal volume registration using joint intensity distributions”, Medical Image Computation and Computer Assisted Interventions, Boston, October 1998.
E. Grimson, M. Leventon, G. Ettinger, A. Chabrerie, F. Ozlen, S, Nakajima, H. Atsumi, R. Kikinis, P. Black, “Clinical experience with a high precision image-guided neurosurgery system”, Medical Image Computation and Computer Assisted Interventions, Boston, October 1998.
A. Chabrerie, F. Ozlen, S. Nakajima, M. Leventon, H. Atsumi, E. Grimson, E. Keeve, S. Helmers, J. Riviello, G. Holmes, F. Duffy, F. Jolesz, R. Kikinis, P. Black, “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction and Surgical Navigation in Pediatric Epilepsy Surgery”, Medical Image Computation and Computer Assisted Interventions, Boston, October 1998.
T. Kapur, E. Grimson, R. Kikinis, W. Wells, “Enhanced spatial priors for segmentation of magnetic resonance imagery”, Medical Image Computation and Computer Assisted Interventions, Boston, October 1998.
E. Grimson, C. Stauffer, R. Romano, G. Stein, L. Lee, P. Viola, O. Faugeras, “Forest of Sensors: Using adaptive tracking to classify and monitor activities in a site”, Second International Workshop on Cooperative Distributed Vision, Osaka, Japan, November 1998.
L.D. Gugino, G. Potts, L.S. Aglio, E. Alexander III, W.E.L. Grimson, R. Kikinis, M. Shenton, P. McL. Black, G.J. Ettinger, W.A. Cote, M. Leventon, A. A. Gonzalez, “Localization of eloquent cortex using transcranial magnetic stimulation”, Advanced Neurosurgical Navigation (E. Alexander, J. Levy Marciunas eds.) New York: Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc. 1999: 163--199.
L.M. Lorigo, O. Faugeras, W.E.L. Grimson, R. Keriven, R. Kikinis, C.F. Westin, “Co-dimension 2 geodesic active contours for MRA segmentation”, XVIth International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'99), 1999. Paper was selected as best student paper at the conference.
P. Golland, W.E.L. Grimson, R. Kikinis “Statistical shape analysis using fixed topology skeletons: corpus callosum study”, XVIth International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'99), 1999.
C. Stauffer, E. Grimson, “Adaptive background mixture models for real-time tracking”, CVPR, 1999, Colorado Springs, pp II-246--252.
A. Lakshmi-Ratan, O. Maron, E. Grimson, T. Lozano-Perez, “A Framework for Learning Query Concepts in Image Classification”, CVPR, 1999, Colorado Springs, pp I-423--429.
D. Gering, A. Nabavi, R. Kikinis, E. Grimson, N. Hata, P. Everett, F. Jolesz, W. Wells, “An integrated visualization system for surgical planning and guidance using image fusion and interventional imaging”, MICCAI, Cambridge England, 1999.
Yuri Ivanov, Chris Stauffer, Aaron Bobick, and W.E.L. Grimson. “Video Surviellance of Interactions.” Proc. of Second IEEE International Workshop on Video Surveillance, pp. 82-89, 1999.