- Priors, preferences and categorical percepts (with A. Jepson & J. Feldman). To appear in
Bayesian Approaches to Perception, D. Knill & W. Richards (Eds.) Cambridge
University Press, in press, 1995.
- Chaos in percepts? (with H.R. Wilson & M.A. Sommer). Biol. Cybernetics,
70:345-349 (1994).
- What makes a good feature? (with A. Jepson). In L. Harris & M. Jenkin (Eds.) Spatial Vision in
Humans and Robots, Cambridge University Press (1993). Also MIT Center for
Biological Information Processing Paper No. 72, (1992), and MIT AI Memo 1356,
- What is a percept? (with A. Jepson). University of Toronto, Dept. Computer Science,
Tech. Report RBCV-TR-93-43 (1993).
- From features to perceptual categories (with J. Feldman & A. Jepson). Proc. British
Machine Vision Conference, Leeds, September 1992 (1992), pp. 99-108.
- Is perception for real? (with J. Feldman & A. Jepson). Proc. Conference on Cognition and
Representation, Center for Cognitive Science Report 92-12, SUNY Buffalo, November
1992 (1992), pp. 240-267.
- A lattice framework for integrating vision modules (with A. Jepson). IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, 22:1087-1096 (1992).
- What is a percept? (with A. Jepson). University of Toronto, Dept. Computer Science,
Tech. Report RBCV-TR-93-43 (1993). Also Occasional Paper #43, Center for
Cognitive Science, M.I.T., 1991.
- Reasoning under uncertainty: Lebesgue logic and order logic (with B. Bennett & D.D.
Hoffman). University of California, Irvine, Math. Beh. Sci. Memo MBS 91-08
- Perceptual organization, figure-ground, attention and saliency (with Brian Subriana-Vilanova). MIT AI Memo 1218 (1991).
- Playing twenty questions with nature (with A. Bobick). In Computational Processes in
Human Vision: An Interdisciplinary Perspective, Z. Pylyshyn (Ed.), Ablex Publishing,
Norwood, N.J. (1988).
- Classifying objects from visual information (with A. Bobick). MIT AI Memo 879
- How to play 20 questions with nature and win. MIT AI Memo 660
- Equation counting and the interpretation of sensory data (with J.M. Rubin and D.D. Hoffman). MIT AI Memo 614, and Perception, 11:557-576 (1981).
- Object-based perception of egomotion (with J.M.H. Beusmans). Proc. European
Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP '93, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August,
1994, in press, 1994.
- A lattice framework for integrating vision modules (with A. Jepson). IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, 22:1087-1096 (1992).
- Curvature and separation discrimination at texture boundaries (with H. Wilson). Jrl. Opt.
Soc. Am. A, 9:1653-1661 (1992).
- Perceptual organization, figure-ground, attention and saliency (with Brian Subriana-Vilanova). MIT AI Memo 1218 (1991).
- Mechanisms of curvature discrimination (with H.R. Wilson). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A,
6:106-115 (1989).
- Visual perception of moving parts (with J. Rubin). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A,
5:2045-2049 (1988).
- Two-dimensional curvature operators (with J.J. Koenderink). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A,
5:1136-1141 (1988).
- Inferring 3D shapes from 2D silhouettes (with Jan J. Koenderink and D.D. Hoffman). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 4:1168-1175 (1987). Also MIT AI Memo 840
- From Waltz to Winston (with S. Truve). Proc. First Int. Conf. Comp. Vision, June
- ``Seeing'' shapes that are almost totally occluded: a new look at Parks's camel (with S.
Shimojo). Perception & Psychophysics, 39(6):418-426 (1986).
- Encoding contour shape by curvature extrema (with B. Dawson & D.Whittington). J. Opt.
Soc. Amer. A, 3:1483-1491 (1986).
- Codon constraints on closed 2D shapes (with D.D. Hoffman). Computer Vision, Graphics,
and Image Processing, 31 (3):265-281 (1985). Also in A. Rosenfeld (Ed.),
Human and Machine Vision II, Orlando, Fla:Academic Press, pp. 207-223.and
MIT AI Memo 769 (1984).
- Boundaries of visual motion (with J.M. Rubin). MIT AI Memo 835 (1985).
- Parts of recognition (with D.D. Hoffman). Cognition, 18:65-96 (1984). Also
in Readings in Computer Vision, M. Fischler and O. Firschien, Morgan, Kaufmann,
Los Altos, 1987.
- CARTOON: A biologically motivated edge detection algorithm (with H.K. Nishihara & B.
Dawson). MIT AI Memo 668 (1982). Also in Natural Computation, W.
Richards, MIT Press (1988).
- Representing smooth plane curves for recognition: Implications for figure-ground reversal
(with D.D. Hoffman). Proc. National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, August 18-
20, 1982, Carnegie-Mellon University-University of Pittsburgh (1982).
- Efficient computations and representations of visible surfaces (with K. Stevens). Final
Report AFOSR Contract Number 79-0020, December 1979.
- The corridor illusion (with J.F. Miller, Jr.). Percept. & Psychophys., 9:421-
423 (1971).
- Independence of evoked potentials and apparent size (with D. Regan). Vision Res.,
11:679-684 (1971).
- Spontaneous fixation tendencies for visual forms (with L. Kaufman). Percept. &
Psychophys., 5:85-88 (1969).
- ``Center-of-Gravity'' tendencies for fixations and flow patterns (with L. Kaufman). Percept. & Psychophys., 5:81-85 (1969).
- Propagation velocity of lateral interaction in the human visual system (with R.A. Smith). J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:1469-1472 (1969).
- Foveal and parafoveal anisotropies in human receptive field structure (with L.J. Cutrona, Jr.).
J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:504A (1969).
- Spectral categorization of materials (with J.M. Rubin). Image Understanding 1985-86, W.
Richards & S. Ullman, eds., Ablex Publishing, Norwood, NJ, pp. 20-44 (1987). Also MIT AI Memo 879 (1984)
- Color vision: representing material categories (with John M. Rubin). MIT AI Memo 764
- Color vision and image intensities: when are changes material? (with J. Rubin). Biol.
Cyber., 45:215-226 (1982). Also MIT AI Memo 631 (1981).
- Equation counting and the interpretation of sensory data (with J.M. Rubin & D.D. Hoffman).
MIT AI Memo 614, and Perception, 11:557-576 (1981).
- Quantifying sensory channels: generalizing colorimetry to orientation and texture, touch and
tones. Sensory Processes, 3:207-229 (1979).
- Efficient computations and representations of visible surfaces (with K. Stevens). Final
Report AFOSR Contract Number 79-0020, December 1979.
- Lessons in constancy from neurophysiology. In: Stability and Constancy in Visual
Perception W. Epstein (Ed.), Wiley, New York, 1977.
- Mosaic model for color vision. J. Theoretical Biology, 53:177-197 (1975).
- Colored filters as factors in improving human visual acuity. Aerospace Medical Research
Laboratory, Report AMRL-Rl-73-100, September 1973.
- One-stage model for color conversion. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 62:697-698 (1972).
- Model for color conversion (with E.A. Parks). J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 61:971-976
- Chromatic constraints upon Panum's limits. Amer. J. Opt. & Arch. Amer. Acad. Opt.,
48:306-311 (1971).
- Color shifts following rapid eye movements. J. Exp. Psychol., 84:399-403
- Saccadic suppression. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:617-623 (1969).
- Recovery and spectral sensitivity curves for color-anomalous observers (with S.M. Luria).
Vision Res., 8:929-938 (1968).
- Differences among color normals; Classes I and II. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 57:1047-1055
- Interacting spectral sensitivity functions obtained in a contrast situation (with S.M. Luria and H.H.
Matteson). Vision Res., 7:629-644 (1967).
- Opponent-process solutions for uniform Munsell spacing. J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
56:1110-1120 (1966).
- Four types of trichomats. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 56:576-1451 (1966).
- Color-mixture functions at low luminance levels (with S.M. Luria). Vision Res., 4:281-313 (1964).
- Some requirements for a uniform color space. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 55:1581 (1965).
- An analysis of 2¡ and 10¡ color-matching functions. Bull. Math. Biophysics, 26:9-24
- A correlation between stereo ability and the recovery of structure-from-motion (with H.
Lieberman). Amer. Jrl. Optom. Physiol. Optics, 62:111-118(1985).
- Structure from stereo and motion. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 2:343-349 (1985). Also
MIT AI Memo 731 (1983).
- Spatial bandwidth of stereo channels for slant estimated from complex gratings (with J.
Foley). J. Opt. Soc. Am., 71:274-279.109(1981).
- Effect of vertical disparity upon stereoscopic depth (with R.B. Friedman and M.G Kaye).
Vision Res., 18:351-352 (1978).
- Binocular depth mixture with non-symmetric disparities (with J.M. Foley). Vision Res.,
8:251-256 (1978).
- Lessons in constancy from neurophysiology. In: Stability and Constancy in Visual
Perception W. Epstein (Ed.), Wiley, New York, 1977.
- Stereopsis with and without monocular cues. Vision Res., 17:967-969 (1977).
- Selective stereoblindness. In: Spatial Contrast: Report of a Workshop held in Amsterdam,
January 4-9, 1976 (Eds. H. Spekreijse & L.H. Van der Tweel), North-Holland,
Amsterdam 1977, pp. 109-115.
- Stereopsis with large disparities: Discrimination and depth magnitude (with J. Foley and T.H.
Applebaum). Vision Res., 15:417-421 (1975).
- Visual space perception. In: Handbook of Perception, Vol. V (E.C. Carterette and M.P. Friedman, eds.), Academic Press, pp. 351-386, 1975.
- Stereoblindness and fixation disparity. Amer. Acad. Optometry Annual Meeting,
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 1975.
- Effect of directional-flow patterns upon thresholds (with J. Dichgans). J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
64:1148-1149 (1974).
- Local versus global stereopsis: Two mechanisms? (with M. Kaye). Vision Res.,
14:1345-1347 (1974).
- Improvement in stereoanomaly with practice (with J. Foley). Amer. J. Opt. & Physiol.,
51:935-938 (1974).
- Effect of luminance and contrast on processing large disparities (with J. Foley). J. Opt.
Soc. Amer., 64:1703-1705 (1974).
- Factors affecting depth perception. Technical Report No. AFOSR-TR-73-0429, pp. 102,
January 1973.
- Reversal in stereo discrimination by contrast reversal. Amer. J. Opt. & Arch. Amer. Acad.
Opt., 50:853-862 (1973).
- A Stereo field map with implications for disparity processing (with D. Regan). Invest.
Ophthal., 12:904-909 (1973).
- Response functions for sine- and square-wave modulations of disparity. J. Opt. Soc.
Amer., 62:907-911 (1972).
- Disparity masking. Vision Res., 12:1113-1124 (1972).
- Disparity processing of spatial frequencies in man (with T. Felton and R. Smith). J. Psysiol.
(Lond.), 225:349-362 (1972).
- Chromatic constraints upon Panum's limits. Amer. J. Opt. & Arch. Amer. Acad. Opt.,
48:306-311 (1971).
- Anomalous stereoscopic depth perception. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 61:410-414
- Interhemispheric processing of binocular disparity (with J.M. Foley). J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
61:419-420 (1971).
- Independence of Panum's near and far limits. Amer. J. Opt. & Arch. Amer. Acad. Opt.,
48:103-109 (1971).
- Size distance transformations. In: Zeichenerkennung Durch Biologische und Technische
Systeme (O.-J. Grusser and R. Klinke, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 276-287,
- Stereopsis and stereoblindness. Exp. Brain Res., 10:380-388 (1971).
- Oculomotor effects upon binocular rivalry. Psychologische Forschung, 33:136-154
- Convergence as a cue to depth (with J.F. Miller). Percept. & Psychophys., 5:317-320
- The influence of oculomotor systems on visual perception. Technical Report No. AFOSR-
69-1934TR, July 1969.
- The rearrangement of corresponding retinal areas. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:512A
- Spatial remapping in the primate visual system. Kybernetik, 4:146-156 (1968).
- Apparent modifiability of receptive fields during accommodation and convergence and a
model for size constancy. Neuropsychologia, 5:63-72 (1967).
- Size scaling and binocular rivalry. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 57:576 (1967)
- Object-based perception of egomotion (with J.M.H. Beusmans). Proc. European
Conference on Visual Perception, ECVP '93, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, August
1994, in press, 1994.
- A lattice framework for integrating vision modules (with A. Jepson). IEEE Trans. on
Systems, Man, & Cybernetics, 22:1087-1096 (1992).
- Why is snow so bright? (with J.J. Koenderink). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 9:645-648 (1992).
- Visual perception of moving parts (with J. Rubin). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 5:2045-2049
- Boundaries of visual motion (with J.M. Rubin). MIT AI Memo 835 (1985).
- A correlation between stereo ability and the recovery of structure-from-motion (with H.
Lieberman). Amer. Jrl. Optom. Physiol. Optics, 62:111-118(1985).
- Structure from stereo and motion. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 2:343-349 (1985). Also
MIT AI Memo 731 (1983) .
- Velocity blindness during shearing motion (with H. Lieberman). Vision Res., 22:97-100 (1982).
- Flashback to Maxwell: Flicker matching. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 65:1200A (1975).
- Effect of directional flow pattern upson thresholds (with J. Dichgans). J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 64:1148-1149 (1974).
- A Stereo field map with implications for disparity processing (with D. Regan). Invest.
Ophthal., 12:904-909 (1973).
- Response functions for sine- and square-wave modulations of disparity. J. Opt. Soc.
Amer., 62:907-911 (1972).
- Impaired motion detection preceding smooth eye movements (with M.J. Steinbach).
Vision Res., 12:353-356 (1972).
- Size scaling and visual aftereffects (with R.A. Smith). ARVO Spring Meeting, Sarasota,
Florida, April 24, 1972.
- Motion detection in man and other animals. Brain, Behavior & Evolution, 4:162-181
223:533-534 (1969).
- Sensitivity fields for movement. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:1543A (1969).
- Grouping without prior correspondence. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A., 1(12):1265A
- Spatial bandwidth of stereo channels for slant estimated from complex gratings (with J.
Foley). J. Opt. Soc. Am., 71:274-279.109 (1981).
- Quantifying sensory channels: Generalizing colorimetry to orientation and texture, touch and
tones. Sensory Processes, 3:207-229 (1979).
- Efficient computations and representations of visible surfaces (with K. Stevens). Final
Report AFOSR Contract Number 79-0020, December 1979.
- Experiments in texture perception. Final Report AFOSR Contract F44620-74-C-0076,
January 1978.
- On random-dot texture discrimination (with S. Purks). J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 68:270-271 (1978).
- Visual texture discrimination using random dot patterns (with S.Purks). J. Opt. Soc.
Amer., 67:765-771 (1977).
- Texture metamers. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 67:1401A (1977).
- Broad band spatial filters in the human visual system (with R.Spitzberg). Vision Res.,
15:837-841 (1975).
- Texture matching (with A. Polit). Kybernetik, 16:155-162 (1974).
- Spatial frequency doubling: retinal or central? (with T. Felton). Vision Res., 13:2129-2137 (1973).
- By-passing spatial frequency adaptation (with R. Spitzberg). ARVO Spring Meeting,
Sarasota, Florida, May 1973.
- Spatial frequency channels: Many of few? (with R. Spitzberg). OSA Fall Meeting, San
Francisco, October 18, 1972.
- Is hindsight better than blindsight? Behav. and Brain Sci., 6:46l (1983).
- An observation about myelination (with R. Kalil and C.L. Moore). Exp. Br. Res.,
52 :219-225 (1983).
- A non-random process determines the direction of myelin wrapping (with R. Kalil and C.L.
Moore). Neuroscience, Atlanta, Georgia, November 1979.
- The neuron versus the ensemble: An analysis in depth. NRP Bulletin on "The Visual
Field," Dec. 1977.
- Selective atrophy in LGND associated with iris coloboma. Am. J. Optom. & Physiol.
Optics, 54:43-45 (1977).
- Electrophysiological techniques for studying visual function in man (an introduction). J.
Opt. Soc. Amer., 67:1605-1606 (1977).
- Development of myelination in optic tract of the cat (with C.L. Moore, R. Kalil). J. Comp.
Neurol., 165:125-136 (1976).
- Crosseyed domestic cat: Two anatomical aberrations (with R. Kalil). ARVO Spring
Meeting, Sarasota, Florida, May 1976.
- Maps and migraines. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 65:1185A (1975).
- Dissociation of retinal fibers by degeneration rate (with R. Kalil). Brain Res., 72:288-293 (1974).
- Light sensitivity in cortical scotomata contralateral to small islands of blindness (with E.
Poppel). Exp. Brain Res., 21:125-130 (1974).
- Brightness contrast and evoked potentials (with D. Regan). J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
63:606-611 (1973).
- Visual processing in scotomata. Exp. Brain Res., 17:333-347 (1973).
- The Siamese geniculate: Another look (with R. Kalil). ARVO Spring Meeting, Sarasota,
Florida, May 1973.
- A Stereo field map with implications for disparity processing (with D. Regan). Invest.
Ophthal., 2:904-909 (1973).
- The silent brain: Visual processing in scotomata. ARVO, Spring Meeting, Sarasota,
Florida, April 24, 1972.
- Stereoperimetry: A new technique for analyzing visual function. J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
62:715A (1972).
- Sensitization in scotomata symmetric with islands of blindness (with E. Poppel). Soc. of
Neurosciences Fall Meeting, Houston, Texas, October 9, 1972.
- Anomalous stereoscopic depth perception. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 61:410-414
- The fortification illusions of migraines. Scientific American, 224:88-96 (1971).
- Independence of evoked potentials and apparent size (with D. Regan). Vision Res.,
11:679-684 (1971).
- Anomalous retinal pathways in the Siamese cat: An inadequate substrate for binocular vision
(with R. Kalil and S.R. Jhaveri). Science, 174:302-305 (1971).
- Stereopsis and stereoblindness. Exp. Brain Res., 10:380-388 (1971).
- The midbrain as a site for the motion after-effect (with R.A. Smith). Nature.,
223:533-534 (1969).
- Contrast sensitivity and viewing distance (with R. Hennessy). J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
65:97-98 (1975).
- Visual space perception. In: Handbook of Perception, Vol. V (E.C. Carterette and
M.P. Friedman, eds.), Academic Press, pp. 351-386, 1975.
- Stereoblindness and fixation disparity. Amer. Acad. Optometry Annual Meeting,
Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 1975.
- Factors affecting depth perception. Technical Report No. AFOSR-TR-73-0429, pp. 102,
January 1973.
- Effects of voluntary eye movement and convergence on the binocular appreciation of depth
(with J.M. Foley). Percept. & Psychophys., 11:423-427 (1972).
- Impaired motion detection preceding smooth eye movements (with M.J. Steinbach).
Vision Res., 12:353-356 (1972).
- Size scaling and visual aftereffects (with R.A. Smith). ARVO Spring Meeting, Sarasota,
Florida, April 24, 1972.
- Size distance transformations. In: Zeichenerkennung Durch Biologische und
Technische Systeme (O.-J. Grusser and R. Klinke, eds.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp.
276-287, (1971).
- Color shifts following rapid eye movements. J. Exp. Psychol., 84:399-403
- Oculomotor effects upon binocular rivalry. Psychologische Forschung, 33:136-154
- Spontaneous fixation tendencies for visual forms (with L. Kaufman). Percept. &
Psychophys., 5:85-88 (1969).
- "Center-of-Gravity'' tendencies for fixations and flow patterns (with L. Kaufman). Percept.
& Psychophys., 5:81-85 (1969).
- Convergence as a cue to depth (with J.F. Miller). Percept. & Psychophys 5:317-320
- Saccadic suppression. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:617-623 (1969).
- The influence of oculomotor systems on visual perception. Technical Report No. AFOSR-
69-1934TR, July 1969.
- The rearrangement of corresponding retinal areas. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:512A
- Spatial remapping in the primate visual system. Kybernetik, 4:146-156 (1968).
- Visual suppression during passive eye movement. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 58:1159-1160 (1968).
- Enhanced sensitivity associated with saccades. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 58:1559A
- Apparent modifiability of receptive fields during accommodation and convergence and a
model for size constancy. Neuropsychologia, 5:63-72 (1967).
- Attenuation of pupil response during binocular rivalry. Vision Res., 6:239-240
- Inferring "water" from images (with T.J. Kung). Chapter 16
in Natural Computation, W. Richards (Ed.), M.I.T. Press, 1988.
- Recovering material properties from sound (with R. Wildes). Chapter 25 in
Natural Computation, W. Richards (Ed.), M.I.T. Press, 1988.
- Why does wood look like wood? (with D. Honig). J. Opt. Soc. Amer. A, 2(13):P29
(abstract) (1985).
- Force dynamics of tempo change in music (with D. Epstein & J. Feldman). Music
Perception, 10(2):185-204 (1992).
- Epilogue: Remembering David Marr. In From the Retina to the Neocortex: Selected Papers
of David Marr, L. Vaina (ed.), Birkauser, Boston, 1991, pp. 316-319.
- Representations in Mental Models. Report of a meeting held March 12-13 in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, on Representations in Mental Models. Cog. Science, 14: ii-iii
- Vision research for flight simulation. A report on a workshop on simulation of low-level
flight. W. Richards and K. Dismukes, eds. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. 1982.
- Computational algorithms for visual processing (with D.C. Marr). Final Report NSF grant 77-07569-MCS (1981).
- A Lightness scale from image intensity distributions. Applied Optics, 21:2569-2582
- Equation counting and the interpretation of sensory data (with J.M. Rubin and D.D. Hoffman).
MIT AI Memo 614, and Perception, 11:557-576 (1981).
- Natural computation: Filling a perceptual void. Presented at the 10th Annual Conference
on Modelling and Simulation, April 25-27, 1979, University of Pittsburgh.
Proceedings, N.G. Vogt & M.H. Mickle, eds., 10:193-200 (1979).
- Why rods and cones? Biol. Cybernetics, 33:125-135 (1979).
- Maps and migraines. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. , 65:1185A (1975)
- Flashback to Maxwell: Flicker matching. J. Opt. Soc. Amer. , 65:1200A (1975).
- Time reproductions by H.M. Acta Psychologica, 37:279-282 (1973).
- The fortification illusions of migraines. Scientific American., 224:88-96 (1971).
- Propagation velocity of lateral interaction in the human visual system (with R.A. Smith). J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:1469-1472 (1969).
- Foveal and parafoveal anisotropies in human receptive field structure (with L.J. Cutrona, Jr.). J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 59:504A (1969).
- Enhanced sensitivity associated with saccades. J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 58:1559A (1968).
- Illusory reversal of brightness contrast. Percept. & Motor Skills, 27:1169-1170
- Psycho-metrical numerology. Tech. Engineering News, 48:11-17 (1967).
- Attenuation of pupil response during binocular rivalry. Vision Res., 6:239-240
- Photoreceptor latency, adaptation level, and metacontrast. Biophysics J., 6:127 Abstracts of the 10th Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society. (1966).
- Time estimates measured by reproduction. Percept. & Motor Skills, 18:929-943
- Obituary, H.L. Teuber (1916-1977). Vision Res., 18:357-359 (1978).
- Foundations of Cyclopean Perception. Bela Julesz. Amer. J. Psychol., 86:667-669 (1973).
- Visual Science. John Pierce and John R. Levene, eds. J. Opt. Soc. Amer.,
62:1240 (1973).
- Information Processing Approaches to Visual Perception. Ralph N. Haber, ed.
J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 60:579 (1971).
- Experimental Methods and Instrumentation in Psychology. Joseph Sidowski, ed.
J. Opt. Soc. Amer., 56:1789-1790 (1966).