Wolfgang Lindner
Postdoctoral Researcher
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The Stata Center
32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
Office: 32-G604
Phone: +1 617.258.6097
and Talks
Database Group at MIT (dbg)
to Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)
Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Sciences (EECS)
Wolfgang Lindner is a Postdoc at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial
Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). Dr. Lindner obtained his Ph.D. degree
in Computer Science from University
of Rostock (2002) working with Prof. Andreas Heuer. He received
his M.S. degree and undergraduate education in Computer Science from
Friedrich-Alexander University
Erlangen-Nuremberg (1999).
Dr. Lindner has research interests in databases, medical and distributed information systems,
wireless sensor networks and mobile computing, information system security, algorithms, and e-business systems.
Recent and current research projects and initiatives include:
The Borealis Project:
Borealis is a second-generation distributed stream processing engine that is being developed at Brandeis University,
Brown University, and MIT. Borealis inherits core stream processing functionality from
Aurora and distribution functionality
from Medusa. Borealis modifies and extends both systems
in non-trivial and critical ways to provide advanced capabilities
that are commonly required by newly-emerging stream processing applications.
Integrating Data Stream Management Systems and Sensor Networks:
We are currently developing an integrated query processing environment where users can seamlessly
query both a data stream management system and a sensor network with one query
expression. Some of the interesting research challenges
that arise within the context of such environment are:
the operator placement, the operator implementation, the storage
placement, materializing views, and fault tolerance and reliability.
Data Management in Disconnected Sensor Networks:
There are many types of sensor-network deployments in which disconnections will be frequent and expected:
in networks where the nodes are mobile, for example, nodes will become occasionally disconnected from each other.
Similarly, in remote sensing environments, intermittent connections may be the only practical way to get data out
of a network, e.g., when a satellite passes overhead or when a mobile node occasionally visits the remote site.
To support operation in such environments, we investigate extending the networking capabilities of current sensor
network query processors with explicit support for disconnection.
Wolfgang Lindner, Holger Velke, and Klaus Meyer-Wegener. Data
Stream Query Optimization Across System Boundaries of Server
and Sensor Network. MDM 2006.
Wolfgang Lindner and Joerg Meier. Towards a Secure Data
Stream Management System. VLDB Workshop on Trends in Enterprise
Application Architecture 2005.
Daniel Abadi, Samuel Madden, and Wolfgang Lindner. REED:
Robust, Efficient Filtering and Event Detection in Sensor Networks.
VLDB 2005.
publications |
Data Stream Query Optimization Across System Boundaries of Server and Sensor Network. MDM, May 12, 2006
Operator Allocation in Borealis with Integrated Sensor Network Query Processors. MDM Workshop MLASN, May 13, 2006
Towards a Secure Data Stream Management System. VLDB Workshop TEAA, August 28, 2005