OPTN, Savior of the Nephrotics

Zhizhuo Zhang    Xiao Yuan   Yang Su




The OPTN, a savior in the eyes of many diseased, saves and prolongs numerous lives. Although the OPTN is functioning, there are still approximately 95,000 candidates waiting for an organ. The efficiency and effectiveness of the network are in dire need of improvement. Our project demonstrates several solutions to the critical bottleneck in current OPTN system.

We first build a Monte Carlo Simulation model for the OPTN. Our model is convenient and useful for the researchers to attempt new policies, since the model can be easily modified. Through simulating, three potential bottlenecks are discovered:

l  Many cadaveric kidneys can not match patients’ tissue type.

l  Many patients reject the offered kidneys.

l  Live willing donors and patients pairs are not compatible.

To deal with the current statue, some policies are discussed. We also find that implementing the policies of other countries is of little help, due to the different situation.

We use some formulae to estimate the maximal number of patients who can benefit from n-way exchange system, and make a comparison with the simulation results. We discovered 3-way exchange can generate about 10% more matched patients than 2-way in certain population size, while 4-way has a slightly effect on the maximum size.

A strategy is designed for a patient to make the decision before the transplant, by using the risk decision-making methods.

A suggestion is raised to give attention to a fairness and efficiency concerning the political ramifications. We also consider modifying the current policies to decrease the priority of pediatrics for enhancing the interests of the whole society. We definitely forbid organ selling and buying, because of the destruction effect on the whole society.

Nearly all the factors influenced donors are showed in our paper. We believe our recruiting methods will be of dramatic help for the OPTN.










OPTN, Savior of the Nephrotics 1

1.      Introduction. 2

2.      The Restatement of Problems 4

3.      Simulation of the Transplantation Network. 5

3.1 Candidates Generator 6

3.2 Donors Generator 6

3.3 Allocation Process 7

3.4 Matching System: 7

3.5 Transplant Evaluation. 8

3.6 More resource require. 9

3.7 Investigation of the Policies of another Country. 11

3.8 Reports to Congress 11

4.      Kidney Exchange System.. 12

4.1 N-Way Exchange Model 13

4.2 2-Way Exchange. 13

4.3 3-Way Exchange. 14

4.4 4-Way Exchange. 14

4.5 Integer Programming of N-Way Exchange. 15

4.6 Simulating the Model 16

4.7 Generate the Pairs 16

4.8 Tissue type incompatibility. 16

4.9 Simulations Outlines 17

4.10 Results Discussion. 18

4.11 The Strategy of Patients 18

5. Political and Ethical Issues 18

5.1 Political Issues on the Transplant System.. 18

5.2 Ethical Issues in the Transplant System.. 19

5.3 The Discussion of Selling Organs 20

5.4 Reports to the Director 20

6.  Recruiting more Donors 21

6.1 Factors Influencing Donation. 21

6.2 The larger the net, the bigger the mesh. 23

6.3 Recommendations of recruiting more altruistic donors 23

7. References 24


1. Introduction

Organ transplantation is of great significance in saving and prolonging people’s lives. Although science and technology in medicine and health is developing at an increasing rate with dramatic breakthroughs, the demand for organs greatly exceeds the supply. This situation occurs globally. To solve the problems in organ procurement and transplantation, hundreds of countries have developed different systems and policies among which the US is a leading force.


Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (abbr. OPTN) is established in 1984.It is a private, non-profit organization under federal contract. Its two main goals are to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of organ sharing and equity as well as the supply of donated organs available for transplantation. The United Network for Organ Sharing (abbr. UNOS) administers the OPTN under contract with the Health Resources and Services Administration (abbr. HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (abbr. HHS). HHS implemented a Final Rule establishing a regulatory framework for the structure and operations of the OPTN.


Thanks to the operation of the network, more and more donors (alive or deceased) are registered and transplantations take place monthly. But the waiting list of candidates becomes longer and longer. The number of candidates on it exceeds 95,000 when we are writing this paper. Many patients in need of organs have to wait a long time. The current system should be improved in order to function better in the future.


We can find the latest policies of organ transplantation on the OPTN website, which are changing annually to match the ongoing complexities. Experts at UNOS have done lots of researches on the organ matching process. It is a pity that the network is far from perfect. Scores of problems are discovered, such as bottleneck in the network and lack of recourse. Transplantation policies in countries other than the US are also investigated. By comparison, a better procedure may be found to improve the current network.


Our investigation focuses on the kidney transplantation. Kidney plays a significant role in the human body. In the US today, patients are waiting for healthy kidneys while the amount of kidneys available each year is between 15,000 and 16,000. The average waiting time is approximately three years, too long for some neediest patients to survive. Patients who are at the end stage of kidney disease may pay for an expensive dialysis or do a kidney transplantation surgery. Worse still, they may die without either. Even if they can get a kidney from the cadaver queue, they may give it up to wait for a better one. During transplantation, various issues need to be considered, such as the physical and psychological conditions of the recipients and the donors. The compatibleness of ABO blood type and the matches on HLA markers in the blood are two key factors of the success of survival of the transplant. In order to maximize the survival rate after transplantation, mismatches of HLA makers should be minimized. It is common that people want to donate kidneys to their relatives or friends. However, the blood type or the HLA mismatches may render them helpless. New policies and procedures should be made to increase the amount of successful transplantation.


The kidney exchange system in Korea can be used to solve the problem that most original donor-recipient pairs don’t match. Three ideas of the exchange system are paired-kidney donation, list paired donation and n-paired donation.


There are various kinds of issues referred to organ transplantation. We must concern almost all fields in this topic and balance all dimensions.


Several criteria and policies are developed according to ethical concerns. Whether a patient should go on to the waiting list or come off mainly depends on his/her physical situation. For example, patients with a malignant disease like AIDS have to be excluded from the list. Criteria to determine priority like the time on the list are also made, which include the time on the list, the quality of match between donor and recipient, and the distance between donor and recipient. A recent change of policies made by the UNOS gives higher priority to children under 18 years old. Some say that it is a squander to transplant kidneys to older recipients, since old age means lower survival rate after transplantation. The priority on different ages is inevitably debated.


Not only the ethical issues, but also the political issues are produced. If two persons are both in urgent need of kidneys, but there is only one available; where should it go? Can a drug dealer obtain kidney transplantation? Nowadays, transplants are usually performed in a few large centers in big cities, by a few experienced experts and surgeons. Doctors in small communities lose the chance to do them, which is an indispensable experience. Would there be a fair system to deal with this problem?


Another hot topic discussed by the public is the trading and solicitation of organs, which is forbidden in the US. However, some agencies advocate donors to receive financial compensation. ”Presumed consent” assumes everyone to be an potential organ



2.  The Restatement of Problems

There are 6 tasks presented to be completed in our paper, each from different aspects. We list the 6 tasks concisely as follows.


l  Build a math model for the US transplant network, considering the questions: where are the bottlenecks for efficient organ matching? Where and how could the additional resource be used for improving the efficiency? Would the network function better if divided into smaller ones? Can the network be more effective by saving and prolonging more lives? Suggest the policies changes and modify the model.


l  Modify the model to investigate the transplantation policies in another country and determine if the policies in the US would be improved by implementing the procedures in the country. Write a one-page report to Congress, addressing the issues in the last task and the information and possible improvements from the research of the different country’s policies.


l  Devise a procedure to maximize the number and quality of exchanges, taking into account the medical and psychological dynamics of the situation. Justify in what way the procedure achieves a maximum. Estimate how many more annual transplants will generate, and the effect on the waiting list.

l  Devise a strategy for a patient to decide whether to take an offered kidney, or to participate in a kidney exchange. Consider the risks, alternatives, and probabilities in your analysis.


l  Discuss the recommendation of changes to current criteria and policies, ethical dimensions of the exchange procedure and the recommended patient strategy in the last two tasks. Rank order the criteria used for priority and placement with rationale. Consider the problem of allowing people to sell organs for transplantation. Write a one-page paper to the Director of the US Health Resources and Services Administration.


l  Answer the questions: How do the risks and others affect the decision of the donor? How do perceived risks and personal issues influence the decision to donate? Does the size n of the n-paired network have any effect on the decision of the potential donor, if entering a list pair network? Modify the model to reflect and analyze these issues. Suggest ways to develop and recruit more altruistic donors.


3. Simulation of the Transplantation Network

Prior to model construction, we read some literatures about the network of some scientists and researchers. We find that most of the literatures utilize the simulating method to investigate the operation of the network. A famous software tool named UKAM, which stands for UNOS Kidney Allocation Model, is developed for the simulation and analysis of national kidney allocation policies. During our investigation, we also adopt the simulating method to build our model.


First, we obtain the transplantation data from the OPTN website. The UNOS annual data reports provide us sufficient data, including the organs, the waiting list, the donors, so on and so forth.  The data are often categorized. Various kinds of information can be found, such as age, sex, ethnicity, blood type, etc. Since our research focus on the kidney transplantation, we utilize data related to kidney as a base to construct our model.


We consider the nation as a whole when building the model, involving all the data from different regions. By using the Monte Carlo simulation, our model is expected to predict the efficiency under different allocation policies. There are several components in the model, each simulating a process in the real world, shown as Figure1.

Figure 1

3.1 Candidates Generator

Since we do not have the detailed data of each real patient, we generate virtual ones according to the historical data in Candidates Generator Component. A patient has dozens of attributes, such as age, race, gender, blood type. What we know is the distribution of a specific type in each attribute. To make an example, all the attributions are taken as independents and a candidate is generated randomly according to the distribution of each attribution in UNOS 2006 Data. Further more, the model assumes that new patients arrived according to Poisson process, of which the arrival rate is increasing annually. After candidates join the waiting list, they remain until they are offered an allocation, or die. The probability of mortality of each day can be estimated from the data reports.


3.2 Donors Generator

The process of coming of donors is similar to the process of coming of patients. We generate the distribution of donors with different characteristics (including dead or alive) by the methods mentioned above, utilizing the data resource. New donors arrived according to a Poisson process, of which arrival rate is increasing by year as well.The donors stream will store in the donor pool at first. Then the dead donors will go into the allocation system at once, who will be discarded if no candidates accept at that day. On the other side, the living donors and their corresponding patients will be transferred to the matching system. An assumption has been implied here is that all living donors are willing donors who only wish to donate their organs to specific patients (their relatives usually).


3.3 Allocation Process

Once a kidney becomes available, the allocation begins. We rank the patients on the national waiting list, which is based on the policies of OPTN. The factors we need to consider comprise of age, blood type, PRA level, etc. PRA stands for Panel Reactive Antibody (point system described in table 1). PRA level is measured to reflect the sensitivity to the donor. If one’s PRA level is too high, it will be difficult for him or her to discover a suitable kidney. To model transitions from one PRA levels(0-9,10-79,80+) to another, a Markov matrix was constructed using historical waiting list data from 1999-2006 and stratified by the time already spent on the waiting list(0-30 days,31-300 days,301+ days).Based on this transition matrix, each patient’s PRA value is updated by their waiting time. Organs are allocated first at the local level, then region, nation finally. According to the UNOS point system (table 1), each patient in the waiting list is given a score, reflecting the priority. The kidney is offered to the person with the highest priority. To determine the likelihood of organ rejection of the patients, a test called cross match would be done. If the cross match is negative, the transplantation is performed. Otherwise, the next candidate will do the cross match. The simple method to simulate the crossmatch procedure is that the patient’s current PRA value was substituted for the probability of a positive crossmatch[Taranto]. This will go on until the result of cross match is negative and the kidney is offered to the candidate. Sometimes allocated patient are not satisfied with the offered kidney, which results in wastage of resource and the refusing patient’s going back to the waiting list. 

Table 1



Waiting time1

1 point for each full year on the waiting list

Waiting time2

t/max_waiting_time (t is the waiting time of the patient)

Panel reactivity

4 points for PRA >80%

Pediatric candidates

4 points when age<11

3 points when 11<age<18

Blood Type

Negative Infinite when doesn’t match blood group

Tissue Matching

2 points for no DR mismatch

1 point for 1 DR mismatch


3.4 Matching System:

Many living donors only wanted to donate some designated patient who has close relation with them most of the time. As a result, a patient-donor pair has been formed. If they are satisfied with the transplant condition (including blood matching and tissue matching), the pair is known asa compatible pair. Otherwise, the pair is denoted as an incompatible pair. Matching System gives opportunities to incompatible pairs, and this process is called n-way exchange (more detail in task 3).


3.5 Transplant Evaluation

The transplant evaluation component generates the result of each transplant. This component uses PRA value to estimate the survival time of the patient (survival less than one year means graft fail) through the UNOS data of 2006.


After the simulation model for OPTN is built up, we can run it to simulate the reality. Because of lack of time and resources, we simplified our model. But we can investigate the efficiency and effectiveness of the problem by using the model. If the allocation policies are changed, we just need to change the algorithm of organ allocation. By analyzing the output of the model, we can do some research on different policies.

Three bottleneck:

1.         Many cadaveric kidneys can not match patients’ tissue type, even there are a large number candidates.

2.         Many patients reject the offered kidneys regarding that not good enough.

3.         Live willing donors and patients pairs are not compatible.

We dicuss the patient choice bottleneck and kidney pairs matching bottleneck in the task 4 and task 3. And bottleneck may be released by more resource given.


3.6 More resource require

Many cadaveric kidneys can’t match patients’ tissue type, even there are a large number candidates. That’s the direct cause of what is called repellency. As a fact in medicine, repellency was due to immunoreactions. Presently there are some way to restrain immunoreactions, but putting aside of the cost which is still too expensive, stabilities and long-term effects on immune-system remain unclear. As a matter of fact, it wouldn’t be comfortable for patients to accept the cost of long-term effect on immune-system. Therefore, more resource should be devoted to research the essential mechanism of repellency and the way of avoiding it without any negative long-term effect for this bottleneck in transplantation.

In order to demonstrate the bottleneck1 ,we use the simulation model to reveal the fact. The parameters of generation (candidate and donor) is derive from UNOS data 2006 . And a survival assumption should be stated here.

Assumption : Probability of patient i dying before time t is of negative-exponential distribution. Denoted TDeath(i) as the dying time, the assumption is formally described as

Pr{TDeath(i) < t} = 1 – exp(–λit),

where λi is a fixed positive real number and t in [ 0, +∞ ). As what is cited in theory of probability texts, λi stands for the reciprocal of the expectation of remaining survival time for i th patient. To simplify simulation, we assume all λi are equal. As could be easily discovered, it wouldn’t make a significant difference if we assume λi is a random variable which forms specific distribution because the simulation itself has some kind of random city which has been enough for analysis.


Table 2



















 American Indian/Alaska Native



 Pacific Islander







< 1 Year



1-5 Years



6-10 Years



11-17 Years



18-34 Years



35-49 Years



50-64 Years



65 +
















Candidate PRA













The resource is mainly immunoreactions-suppression drugs, which can increase the probability of allocation no matter how the tissue matching. The parameter  is descried the drugs influence of negative of cross match. For example, the origin negative probability is 0.15 and =2 , then the real negative probability is 0.3. The simulation result are shown Table3, the wastage rate is described as the ratio of kidney discarded. The lower wastage rate, the more efficient the network works.



Table 3 The comparison result of the simulation from 2006 to 2015
























































































Figure 2 wastage rate comparison from 2006 to 2015


3.7 Investigation of the Policies of another Country

We select the transplantation policies in Europe for investigation. Euro Transplant kidney allocation system (abbr. ETKAS) is based on a consensus among the participating countries, including Austria, Germany, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Slovenia. The allocation algorithms are different to the ones of the US. There are several aspects in the policies: Urgency codes and special programs, Blood group rules and ETKAS point score system. Detailed policies can be obtained from the official website. We modify our model for the US network by changing the point system into the one used in ETKAS, since this is the main difference between the two sets of policies. However, because ETKAS is designed especially for the transplantation in Europe, which has different geography condition from the US, the system may not run well if implemented in the US.


3.8 Reports to Congress

We construct a Monte Carlo Simulation model for the research of the US transplant network. We model the network on the base of current policies about kidney transplant in the US. Hoping to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the network, we make hundreds of simulation. Some helpful results are produced. We present this report focusing on some concerned topics, which are stated below.


The potential bottlenecks are found after simulation, which we list as follow:

l  Many cadaver kidneys can not match patients’ tissue type, even there are a large number candidates.

l  Many patients reject the offered kidneys regarding that not good enough.

l  Live willing donors and patients pairs are not compatible.


Since cadaver kidneys can be preserved for just a short period, if we cannot find suitable recipients for them, they have to be discarded, leading to a huge waste of the scarce cadaver kidneys. On the other hand, patients may reject an offered kidney to purse a better one. Moreover, many intended donors and patients pairs are incompatible in blood type or tissue match. To solve these problems, we can design a strategy for the patient choice and encourage organ exchange among incompatible pairs.


If more medical resource is available, we can use them before the transplant surgeons. Some medicines have been invented to restrain the effect of HLA mismatch. Using these medicines, the pain of recipients can be alleviated and the survival rate is increased.


Dividing the national network into smaller ones such as at the region or state level will weaken the function of the OPTN. Since the connections among regions are severed, candidates are not able to receive donors from other regions.


Saving and prolonging more lives would definitely enhance the effectiveness of the system. Meanwhile, the kidneys are saved since fewer patients need to accept a second transplant due to the failure of the last one.

At last, we do not recommend investigating the policies of other countries. Because the situations vary from countries to countries, a policy which works well in one place may not suit for another one. We consider there is little worth to consult to policies outside of the US. Instead, the improvement should be aimed at the local situation.


4.   Kidney Exchange System

Before we devise a procedure of kidney exchange, it is necessary to introduce the idea about donor exchange. The most often exchange is paired-kidney donation. Suppose that donor 1 want to give his kidney to recipient 1. But I am afraid to say that their blood types are not compatible, since donor 1 has blood type A, while recipient 1 has blood type B. There is another pair facing the same problem. Donor 2 has blood type B, but recipient 2 has blood type A. If each donor donates to the other recipient, two new pairs are created, both of which have compatible blood type. The surgery usually is operated in the same place and on the same day. Not only the exchange can take place between two living pairs, but also it can take place in the cadaver queue, which is called as list paired donation. A donor donates to another patient waiting for a cadaver kidney. The original patient of the donor obtains a higher priority to receive a kidney from the cadaver queue in return. Moreover, the paired-kidney donation, or the 2-way donation, can be expanded to 3-way, 4-way, even n-way. Since many original donor-recipient pairs are incompatible in the blood type, the exchange system will be of great help to save patients’ lives.

Figure 3 The compatibility of different blood type


4.1 N-Way Exchange Model

We continue utilizing the Monte-Carlo simulation method to analyze the problem in Task 3. First of all, we try to gain some theoretical conclusion. Our goal is to derive the expressions for the maximum umber of patients, who can benefit from a feasible set of kidney exchanges among a large population of incompatible pairs. We assume that a positive cross match does not occur, in order to simplify the problem. We use X-Y to denote a patient-donor pair, where X, Y can be A, B, AB and O, the blood type of the patient and the donor. n(X-Y) denotes the number of pairs who have the blood type X-Y. Noticing that pairs of type O-A, O-B, O-AB, A-AB, and B-AB occur more frequently since the kidneys they offer is in lower demand than the ones they need. Therefore, we assume that at least one pair of each type remains unmatched in the exchange.


4.2 2-Way Exchange

We can calculate the maximum number of matched patients with only2-way exchange on the base of the assumptions and the general knowledge of blood type compatibleness. The maximum number is:


In the formula above, [n] means the greatest integer not larger than n.


4.3 3-Way Exchange

Obviously, allowing 3-way exchange will create more matched pairs. To simplify the expression of the maximum number, we assume that n(A-B)>n(B-A), and there is either no X-X pair or there are at least two of them. The maximum number of patients who can be matched with 2-way and 3-way exchanges is:


Figure 4 a sample of 3-way exchange


4.4 4-Way Exchange

Similarly, the maximum number of patients who can be matched with 2-way, 3-way and 4-way exchanges is


Figure 5 a sample of 4-way exchange


4.5 Integer Programming of N-Way Exchange

We construct an IP model to predict the exchange problem. Let N denotes the amount of patient-donor pairs. Patient is denoted by Pi, and donor is denoted by Dj. Let C be the compatible matrix and X be the acceptance matrix. If is Pi compatible with Dj, cij=1, else cij=0. If Pi receive a kidney from Dj, xij=1, else xij=0. The IP is as follows.


Solving the IP in Lingo, we can obtain the maximal set of patients who can benefit from any way exchange.


4.6 Simulating the Model

During simulation, we will consider the tissue type incompatibilities. We can compare the result to the one under the assumption that exchange was limited only by blood type. We not only compute the actual maximal number of exchanges, but also compute the predicted (upper bound) number based on the formulas derived above. It is surprised that the formulas predict the actual number of exchanges very well. That is, the upper bounds on the maximal number of exchanges when exchange is limited only by blood type incompatibility are not far from the actually numbers of exchanges. Moreover, exchanges which are more that four pairs contribute just a little to the efficiency.


4.7 Generate the Pairs

The characteristics such as the blood-types of patients and donors, the PRA distribution of the patients, donor relation of patients, and the gender of the patients are generated using the empirical distributions of the OPTN annual data report. In our simulations, we randomly generate a series of patient-donor pairs using the population characteristics explained above. Only when the patient-donor pair are either blood-type or tissue-type incompatible do we keep them, while the compatible intended pair are excluded. This process goes on till we obtain a sample with the expected size.


4.8 Tissue type incompatibility

Tissue type incompatibility (a positive cross match) is independent of blood type incompatibility. Patients in the OPTN database are divided into the following three groups based on the chance that they may have a cross match with a random donor:

1. Low PRA patients: Patients who have a positive cross match with less than 10 percent of the population.

2. Medium PRA patients: Patients who have a positive cross match with 10-80 percent of the population.

3. High PRA patients: Patients who have a positive cross match with more than 80 percent of the population.

More detailed PRA distribution being unavailable in the medical literature, we simply assume that:

1. Each low PRA patient has a positive cross match probability of 5 percent with a random donor;

2. Each medium PRA patient has a positive cross match probability of 45 percent with a random donor;

3. Each high PRA patient has a positive cross match probability of 90 percent with a random donor.


4.9 Simulations Outlines

For each sample of incompatible patient-donor pairs, we find the maximum number of patients who can benefit from an exchange when both blood-type and tissue-type incompatibilities are considered. The different ways of exchange we considered are list below:

1. No exchange is allowed.

1. Only 2-way exchanges are allowed.

2. 2-way and 3-way exchanges are allowed.

3. 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way exchanges are allowed.

4. Any size exchange is allowed.

To find the maximal number of patients who can benefit from an exchange, we use integer programming techniques. We compare these numbers with those implied by the expressions mentioned above in order to see how well the formulae can estimate the actual number.

Since many high PRA patients cannot be part of any exchange due to positive cross match, we calculate two sets of upper bounds induced by the formulae we developed.

Upper bound 1 is the maximal exchange size developed by the formulae. Upper bound 2 reports the average over all populations for the formulas using the smaller population of incompatible patient-donor pairs. Upper bound 2 provides a more precise upper bound to the number of exchanges that can be found. The fact that the difference between the two upper bounds diminishes as the population size increases, which reflects that, in larger populations, even highly sensitized patients are likely to find a compatible donor.

The percentages of matched patients on different way are listed below.

Table 4



1-way (%)

2-way (%)

3-way (%)

4-way (%)

n-way (%)


Upper bound 1






Upper bound 2













Upper bound 1






Upper bound 2













Upper bound 1






Upper bound 2














4.10 Results Discussion

The simulation results (which include tissue type incompatibilities) are very similar to the theoretical upper bounds we develop in the case that only blood type incompatibilities are considered. While 2-way exchanges account for most of the potential gains from exchange, the number of patients who benefit from exchange significantly increases when three or more pair exchanges are allowed.


4.11 The Strategy of Patients

For each patient, we consider the best choice is to maximize the expect value of QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Year). We suggest using the risk decision-making method to decide whether to take an offered kidney, taking in account of the probabilities of each choice and status. However, due to lack of enough data, we are regretful to say that we cannot get any numerical results. In our future work, more things need to be done.


5. Political and Ethical Issues

5.1 Political Issues on the Transplant System

Nowadays, the OPTN contributes a great deal to the efficiency of various transplantations, and tens of thousands of patients gain benefits from the network. However, the OPTN still has a long way to go for its faultiness and lack of resources


The regionalization of the OPTN raises the question that whether the transplants should be performed in a few large centers and by a few experts or not. The public calls for a fairer system.

We know that the OPTN is divided into 11 regions in the whole nation. Each region includes several states. Some Organ Procurement Organizations (OPO) are located in the big cities of the state as well as the transplant center (TXC). The transplantation surgeries are performed in the centers. In our opinion, there are numerous reasons to support the idea of the OPTN organization. On one hand, transplantation is, unlike others, a big surgery, which requires high standard of either technology or environment. Only a few large centers in the big cities can provide the basic necessities for the surgeons to perform a successful transplantation. Research shows that big hospitals not only have a higher survival rate of post-transplantations, but also give the recipients greater confidence to accept this vital surgery. Who will consign his or her life to a small hospital in a small community? On the other hand, all the kidneys donated by the diseased are delivered to the center from the periphery. This creates convenience for the OPTN to preserve and allocate the cadaver kidneys. By contraries, if each kidney was kept in the hospital which is the nearest to the diseased, it would increase the complexity and lower the efficiency of the network or even let out a bedlam. In a word, carrying out the transplantation in TXC will by no means harm the interest of the recipients.


However, accomplishing the transplants in big hospital poses another question: Should transplants be performed only by the expert surgeons? The answer is definitely no. Everyone needs accumulated experiences to become an expert, and doctors are not an exception. Assuming that all the chances are given to the most experienced doctors who are minority, other less experienced doctors will be incapable of making progress. When these experienced experts retire, who can take the place for them? The transplant centers should cultivate young doctors for the succession between generations. Some doctors live in the relatively small community, where they have few opportunities to do transplants, since all the kidneys are in the hospitals in metropolis. We suggest that the TXC can design some plans to offer jobs in the big centers to the local doctors periodically. In that way the proficiency of the doctors can be maintained.


We believe that the OPTN is working at an increasing efficiency in the movement. Although our goal is to make the system fairer, it should be bore in mind that the completely fair system does not exist. What we are chasing for is the balance between the equality and efficiency. Hence, we draw to the conclusion that it is better to perform the transplant in big centers rather than in small hospitals, while all the doctors should be provided the chance to gain experience.


5.2 Ethical Issues in the Transplant System

Whether choosing an offered cadaver kidney or waiting for a more compatible one from queue and exchange, patients in need of organ may face dilemmas when they embark on the search for substitutes for there body parts from deceased donors. On the grounds that there are brain death and cardiac death donors, as well as standard and expanded donors, in the scope of deceased donation, part of the case is the same as in that of living donors, where there are remarkable ethical aspects to consider, e.g. the recipients’ own health conditions, age, sex, ethnicity, financial status, etc. Currently, relative patient waiting time plays a unique role in kidney allocation in establishing fairness. The rise of kidney exchange is more or less a consequential event of the waiting time inflicting most patients. An instance is that to get on the list, according to policies, pediatric candidates (< 18 years old) begin accruing waiting time upon listing without their renal condition considered which does for adults [OPTN 2005]. This may not seem reasonable enough. Although children have longer life expectancy, medical aspects should account for waiting time initiation, but maybe to a lesser degree compared to adults. Still, ethical standards are not rigid doctrines; if a patient is 18 years and 1 day old and needs a kidney much more deadly than a 17 years and 364 days old juvenile who has only mild symptoms, then it is us that face an “agonizing choice”. Various forms of exchange program should be promising to alleviate the issue of waiting time, and even accessibility. Prevailing practice of transplant grafts in metropolises versus small towns is determined by the rank order of patients on the local, regional, or national lists of the allocation system; and the ultimate decision of organ accretion and transplant graft resides with the liable surgeon or physician [OPTN 2005]. The geographical disparities following this can be averted through improved allocation algorithm put into practice and organ quota interchange, providing patients extra solutions. In legislature terms, “presumed consent” brings about good paradigms in Australia, Singapore [Liang 2004], and a list of states in the US to increase organ sources; and ethically this is not a repulsive value to be cherished. We advocate a comprehensive organ exchange project and ethical clashes tend to diminish with mitigated scarcity and people’s increase understanding.


5.3 The Discussion of Selling Organs

When it comes to living organ donation, organ trade-off for transplantation exerts sensitive impacts on the community. Most individuals, communities, and nations, with shared believes of the World Health Organization and the Transplantation Society, say no because it’s outrageous to think of human bodies as commodities. As far as we recognize, organ transplant requires concern from and for the whole community, and commercialization will not be applicable eventually when scarcity no longer weakens the effectiveness and goal of organ transplant. Some Asian countries legalize kidney trade to help close black market (like in Iran and Philippine); they also argued that this will render recipients get what they want and secure donor financial interests [economist.com 2006] and health conditions. Paradoxically, legal market does not necessarily mean that it would not facilitate medical crime if supervision and management do not keep up with the ongoing trading; and obviously an increasing partiality among queued recipients and between the poor and the rich is bound to come up, as it is no longer immune to any hazardous economic effects just the same as any one else commodity. Again, this turns into a game of wealthy entrepreneurs, instead of an organization for those in need. Similar to the solicitation type of organ donation which is opposed by the OPTN/NOGS [UNOS 2004] and impairs equity, things become out of control if no public and rational interference is present in the course of donation. Online donation such as the controversial Matchingdonors.com7 arouses vigorous public debate, and given the life-or-death consequences of the procedure, this event should not be governed by the ethics of caveat emptor [Truog 2005]. We need contemporary and future administration in policies and regulations as well as education of the global community to face the existence of organ trading.


5.4 Reports to the Director

In this report, we would like to give some recommendations to the transplant system in three aspects, the political issues, the ethical concerns, and organ selling.


Currently, organ transplant surgeries are performed only in a few large centers. We consider it reasonable and beneficial. The hospital in the metropolis can provide the doctors with more and better resource for transplantation, as well as necessary diagnosis to the patients. Moreover, the donors in the centers are under regular management. As a result, transplants should be performed only in a few large centers. On the other hand, doctors in the small communities should be offered sufficient opportunities to do the transplant surgeries, just as the experts are. When the efficiency is maintained, fairness is ensured.


Criteria is developed to determine whether a patient should be placed on the waiting list or not, and to rank the priority of the candidates on the list. We try to rank the criteria for priority and placement. First, there is no doubt that patients with severe illnesses such as AIDS should not be placed on the list since it is just a waste to transplant an organ to them, especially when available organs are scarce. We rank the three main criteria used in determining priority as follow: the quality of match, time on the waiting list, physical distance between donors and recipients. The quality of match is the most important. If patients accept kidneys which match them badly, they will face painful results: to transplant again or keep using the unsuitable kidney, which causes a decrease of the efficiency and effectiveness. Thanks to the success of chronic dialysis, patients waiting for kidney transplant are generally not at the immediate risk of dying. Thus, time of is not so important as the quality of match. The physical distance between donors and recipients does not play a critical role in the determining the priority for transportation is under increasing development. One of the most concerned issues of ethic is the priority given to pediatric patients. We don’t recommend emphasizing too much on the priority of children. According to the data report of UNOS, the survival rate varies not much between different age groups. 18 years old is a controversial point. More research must be done to design a fairer policy for the system concerning the age of recipients.


We are inclined to forbid organ selling. Human bodies can not be considered as commodities. Allowing the business of selling and buying organs will eventually become a game among the wealthy. Though it may serve as an incentive bonus for donors, the disadvantages greatly exceed the advantages. We can develop other methods to recruit more donors, for example, improving the medical insurance system. Donors can receive compensation after transplantation, tangible or intangible. All in all, the interest of donors and recipients must be guaranteed, but not by organ selling.



6.  Recruiting more Donors

6.1 Factors Influencing Donation

Enduring organ malfunctions is by no doubt a nightmare for anyone having it. When the misfortune comes in the way of renal failure, huge amount of money would be used for the medical treatment. Yet kidney dialyzes, though costly but a necessary way for patients of early-stage kidney failure does no help in the case of end-stage organ failure. As a result, a kidney transplant is recommended.


According to the sorting access of various governments, people are considered as groups of ‘presumed consent’ or ‘presumed discontent’. This sorting access takes its place in defining the deceased donor but has nothing to do with live donor for what we are now. Decease donor pool has quite a number of organs on the list, but kidney shortage has never faded. So it is advocated that we healthy people donate our kidneys when it is necessary. However, various factors contribute to the shortage of live kidney donation.


Firstly, pristine personal issues play the most important part. The fear of losing organs may prevent most of people from donating. Losing one’s own organ is always a nightmare to anybody. In fact, physical integrity may help to preserve a sense of mental integrity just because it is something natural. As a matter of fact, physical scathe is naturally common as crashes are always here and there around our daily life. Yet an incision of organ would be quite another affair. Few people would like to have their origin replaced unless an end-stage organ failure is announced. Losing a precious part of the nature-given body for not so evidenced private reasons may arouse affections of phobias; even irrational fears that can finally make ships of hope take the ground. Hence, a great level of altruism is recommended here. Under certain condition this   willingness of dedication can be greatly enhanced. For instance, in a relationship of relatives, siblings, or even best friends, feeling of trust flourishes especially when life danger comes up.


Secondly, primary experience of medical treatment of the past will also have certain impact on this issue. Kidney donating is quite serious and a highly perspicuous understanding is recommended. Unfortunately not enough propaganda has been promoted comparing to the severe shortage of kidney. Thus quite a lot of people are held back from the queue of expected donors just because previous displeasure experiences with surgery and regardless of the impendency of the patients. In addition, many people are quite misinformed that kidney transplant will harm a lot and even baffle people’s daily life.

Thirdly, rational consideration may have been taken but the answer may be various and leads to different results. On the one hand, for those who care more about the medical result of the recipient, the probability of success for the recipient comes in the first. The fear should be cleared away for that official data shows though considering various factors such as blood type, ethnicity, age, gender and so on, patients accepting transplant still share high survival rate which just differs from year length. Patients’ survival rate is totally 95.7% for male and 96.4% for female in the first year and it decreases as the years accumulate until 84.4% for male and 85.9% for female in the fifth year (OPTN 2007), and the probability of failure will be minimized if HLA matches well and KPD was used. So the transplant can be concluded to be safe. On the other hand, all expected donors will not miss himself/herself for risks are always there no matter how good one’s physical condition is or how good the surgery is. Obviously, the survival probability of the donor arouses the most attention. Data shows that death from kidney donation is extremely rare (about 3 in10, 000). Donating a kidney does not change your life expectancy nor does it increase your chance of kidney failure. The effects of kidney donation on health have been and continue to be carefully studied by several research groups in the United States. This research has shown that kidney donation does not appear to put donors at any increasing risk for future health problems. And according to what young donors care the most, words can be put forward that there is no evidence that donating a kidney has any effect on the ability of donors to have children. Among donors studied, 87 percent made no attempt at having children, while 12 percent tried and were successful. University of Maryland Medical Center

Yet by no doubt the graft’s postoperative activities will be limited. One should not lift anything heavier than 20 pounds for the first six weeks and may find that frequent naps are needed for the first few weeks. But careful recuperation will surely make a perfect one return.

In conclusion, a person can lead an active, normal life with only one kidney. Studies have shown that one good kidney is enough to keep the body healthy. After recovery from surgery, you can work, drive, exercise and participate in sports as usual. You can continue in all types of occupations, including military duty.

6.2 The larger the net, the bigger the mesh

Prolonging one’s relatives’ life has always been the most positive motivity for potential donors to contribute their organ, so a direct transplant to the relative or friend is quite efficient and not to mention techniques in this CsA age.


While entering a list paired network is quite another affair. The n-paired network divides all people in the net into n pairs and recommends that each pair should exchange their kidney nearly at the same time no matter whether the kidney is suitable or not. Hence great risks exist here for the reason that a tiny malfunction of a kidney from an individual in the net will lead to a total break down. Therefore potential donors bear unexpected risks of kidney malfunction and the stranger feeling to the recipient. Thus remarkable impact is caused and obviously the larger the n is, the greater the risk is and less percentage of potential donors will donate with consent.    


6.3 Recommendations of recruiting more altruistic donors

To convince people to donate their precious kidney, policies should be perspicuous to the public. Therefore, introduction of organ transplant should be introduced into both school education and public education to mitigate the effect of misinformation and enhance the altruism of donation. Moreover, the survival rate, superior medical conditions of the country and so on should be show to the public to convince people that kidney donation would be fully guaranteed. Additionally, certain policies to encourage possible donors should be put forward. Nowadays people who has a relative or so who agrees to exchange will have the priority for transplant and this may have most of its impact to relatives of the patients but not to any of those healthy or wealthy families. Though here it is more a matter of "being forced to" than "being willing to ", postoperative treatment for the donor should be more human. In fact, providing financial aid is concluded as the most human way for whoever the donor is. A recent survey indicates that as many as 40 percent of potential kidney donors ultimately decide not to donate due to financial concerns (UAB Media, 2006). Comparing with the value of a kidney, we recommend that more welfare be given to the donors. Salaried vacation after the operation can be introduced here, health insurance rate can be lowered for them, regular medical exam can be taken as benefits, and the psychotherapy is strongly recommended here since many donors may feel depressed if they find out that they are not so vigorous as before so a vicious circle may take place mentally and finally physically.



7. References

[1]Stefanos A.Zenios .1999.Evidence-based Organ Allocation.

[2]Alvin E.Roth.2006. Efficient Kidney Exchange: Coincidence of Wants in Markets with Compatibility-Based Preferencess

[3]Sarah E.Taranto.2002.Developing a national allocation model for cadaveric kidneys

[4]Robert A.Wolfe.2000.Comparison of moralilty in all patients on dialysis,patients on dialysis awaiting transplantation, and recipients of a first cadaveric transplant.

[5]Sundaram Hariharan.1996.Improved graft survival after renal transplantation in the united states,1988 to 1996.

[6]OPTN Evaluation Plan Updated on August 15,2005

[7]Xuanming Su.2004.Patient Choice in Kidney Allocation:The Role of the Queueing Discipline

[8]Xuanming Su.2004.Patient choice in kidney allocation: A sequential stochastic assignment model

[9] Christian Jacquelinet1 MD PhD,Changing.2004.Kidney Allocation Policy in France: the Value of Simulation.


[11] Gert Mayer1,Eurotransplant kidney allocation system (ETKAS):rationale and implementation

[12] Susan Fuggle,.1999.National Kidney Allocation in the UK - Issues for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics Laboratories

[13] Sommer E. Gentrya,.1999.A Comparison of Populations Served by Kidney PairedDonation and List Paired Donation