The image depicts banned hairstyles for both men and women, released by the US Marine Corps Uniformed Board. Five different hairstyles are shown, four male and one female.
This graphic depicts hair regulation standards for members of the United States Marine Corps men and women. Teardrop, Horseshoe, Mohawks and Low Reg styles are banned.
"Hair Dos And Don't s", is the heading for the image that pictures five computer generated models sporting no less than five of the banned hairstyles, according to the Marine Corps Uniform boards, 36 new regulations that cover hairstyles that have been banned.
This chart shows what type of hairstyle is not allowed in the US Marines. Among the hairstyles banned include: teardrop, mohawk or landing strip, horsehoe, low reg, and long bangs or long buns.
This graph shows a group of banned hairstyles for the Marine Corps. It shows four styles for men and one style for women. The banned styles include a teardrop, horseshoe, mohawk or landing strip, or low reg (sideburns). It also describes the way buns and bangs should be worn.
This graphic gives information on do's and don't for hair styling in the Marine Corp. There are images of individuals showing the top of their heads and what not to do when styling.
This chart describes hair do do's and don'ts. Specifically the marine corps uniform board released 36 new regulations and many governing hairstyles and some of their descriptions.
The following chart gives the authorized hair styles for the United States Marine Corps. It also gives examples of hair style that are not authorized according to regulations.
This is an infographic of hair do's and dont's. It illustrates styles such as the teardrop, Mohawk or landing strip and horseshoe and discusses bun size and bangs.
This chart describes and depicts the United States Marine Corps' Uniform Board's release of thirty six new regulations regarding hair styles and banned styles.
The chart features Hair Do's and Dont's and feature images of the hairstyles they are recommending to people and hairstyles they do not find very flattering.
This image contains a few examples of what a person should and should not do when they choose a hairstyle. In this image we see a collection of five snapshots to show us what the examples will look like from different angles.
The image to the left is for individuals serving in the armed forces. The image shows the do's and dont's for haircut etiquette within the armed services for men and women who are serving this great country.
Hair Do's & Don'ts The marine corps uniform released 36 new regulations Aug. 1, many governing hairstyles. here are descriptions of some of the banned hairstyles.
This is an article about Hair do's and dont's. The Marine Corp's Uniform Board released 36 new regulations August 1, many governing hairstyles. The article shows five images.