
At an EmTech digital talk last week, Peter Norvig spoke about the challenges presented by using machine learning. He talked about understandability, testability, and debugging of machine learned systems. The points he makes are the same that drive my research. For example:

  • Traditional software is modular, which means that you can decompose it and understand it. Each module has inputs and outputs that can be defined and isolated.
  • Machine-learned systems appear to be monolitic, which means that it seems like everything depends on everything else, and changing any one thing changes everything else.

In the machine learning world, we can identify mistakes. We can also retrain a network from scratch to try to fix a mistake. However, we do not know how to make small local changes, fixing a small bug without changing everything at once, which is the everyday practice that defines bugfixing in traditional programming. In machine learning, fixing a bug means restarting and rebuilding the whole system.

Norvig points out that this "rebuild the whole thing" approach impedes understanding, quality assurance, and stability of behavior, and he concludes by saying that we need and entirely new toolset for dealing with programming with machine learning. The talk is worth a watch.

Starting in on a New Toolset

My goal is to develop tools that attack these problem. For example:

  • I am developing a way to localize and explain knowledge within a deep neural network. In particular, I am trying to get to the bottom of "why" a specific neuron appears in a neural network: not only what it does, but what it is for.

  • I am developing a way of altering neural networks in small ways, without destroying all the other behavior. In particular, I am looking for ways of transplanting portions of networks from one instance to another. I am also interested in targeted ablations.

There are plenty of things to try here - it is a very interesting area. One theme of my current work is to see if we can break through the feeling that neural networks are monolithic. If you make small changes in the wrong way, then it does feel like everything can be destroyed very easily; but it is also possible to make small changes in the right way, which does not perturb behavior too much. Similarly, individual neurons do seem to have semantic roles, and I am working on getting a clearer picture of these roles in a robust way.

Modularity does not need to be in oppositition to neural networks; there are hints that neural networks already have some emergent modularity. We just need to find ways to measure it, maximize it, and exploit it.