
Re: Functional Objects Site

Hey Functional Objects folks...

Is a Java VM port ruled out?

Also, don't rule out Linux because you think it has to be free.  There
is plenty of un-free software for Linux and more coming I'm sure.

I would gladly pay prices similar to the Windoze platform pricing...

> Harlequin had a poll up for ages, so they probably did the demographics.
> The Java VM is something that was considered for Dylan some time ago: you can get notes
> on this from sunsite and the archives of this group, I think. The big problem is that
> Java's idea of objects and method dispatch is different enough to Dylan's that a lot of
> inefficient glue code would have to be generated. Mindy uses a different bytecode
> scheme and a custom VM.
> Linux is the land of free software: charging isn't in fashion there. A general UN*X
> port would be good idea, though.
> My big vote would be for MacOS, probably OS-X with its UN*X-ey underpinnings. Macs are
> used in academia and research a lot, and have a history of strong language
> implementations with strong followings from non-giant companies
> (MacLisp/MacPerl/CodeWarrior/ProGraph). There's a difference between market size and
> market percentage...
> - Rob.
> rwk@americom.com wrote:
> > > I'm looking forward towards seeing what the "other platforms" they
> > > intend to support are.
> >
> > They should take a poll on their web site.
> >
> > I vote for Linux and Java VM.
