
Re: Functional Objects Site

* rwk  wrote:

> Also, don't rule out Linux because you think it has to be free.  There
> is plenty of un-free software for Linux and more coming I'm sure.

Well, surely you might as well do the work to just port to any Unix
platform instead of Linux.  Linux is just Unix with a different name
as far as I can see -- I build linux programs for Unix boxes every day
and I almost never have any trouble.  Perhaps there might be an issue
that the commercial-Unix market would expect Motif and that's not
always available on Linux, but this only matters if there's no
royalty-free version of the motif libs.

Of course this is only for UI issues, porting the compiler is another
issue.  I guess there the two obvious candidates are sparc (Sun) and
powerpc (Mac).  I'd vote for sparc, combined with a Unix/Linux port,
as that should get any x86 Unixoid system, and Suns, while powerpc
only gets Macs

(Of course, I have a Sun so I'm a bit biased here).


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