
Re: Functional Developer as a product name

Pada Sun, 14 Nov 1999 16:14:43 -0500, Raffael Cavallaro bilang:
| Next generation
| Object
| Oriented
| Dynamic
| Language
| Environment
| "Code smart - use your NOODLE!"
| (OK, so NOODLE is a wimpy name, that's why I put CODE RAD first)

NOODLLE was the name of the Dylan interpreter used in Cornell's advanced
intro CS course (at least until they switched to Scheme a year ago).  Yes,
that's NOODLLE with two Ls, and no, I don't remember what it stands for. :)

cliff crawford   http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/cjc26/
-><-                        Shall she hear the lion's roar?

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