
Re: Simple Reader Macros for Dylan

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999 16:15:02 -0500 (EST), brucehoult@pobox.com (Bruce Hoult)

> In article <uHQ9OBz++ShZtmOpIV4MQd6xOl1p@4ax.com>, jason@fun-o.com wrote:
> > However, this would mean that you couldn't use balanced pairs of 'opposite'
> > characters like '(' and ')' unless the you extended Perl's notion of "another
> > one" to include opposites.
> Uh, Perl already did that.
> [bruce@hp bruce]$ perl -e '($x = "hello there") =~ s(lo)[zz]; print "$x\n"'
> helzz there

Okay great. So what about it?

__Jason (whose knowledge of Perl was an intensive snapshot taken of Perl4
several years ago)

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