
Re: Parsing (XML) dynamically

menozero@tiscalinet.it writes:

> So we (how many?) need a XML parser for Dylan.

Count me in. Twice ;).

> 1. Can you tell me of some articles or books on parsing in a
> "functional" style?  I have no problems with objects, but years of C++

Well, I've had the experience that the very lisp-style C parser that's
part of melange tends to be a problem in the Dylan world. The parser
uses tagged lists (data structures of the form #( #"foo" . #( ... ))
), which is _very_ unwieldy, because you cannot do dispatch on that.

So as a general rule, use objects liberally.


"We should be willing to look at the source code we produce not as the
end product of a more interesting process, but as an artifact in its
own right. It should look good stuck up on the wall."
 -- http://www.ftech.net/~honeyg/progstone/progstone.html
