
Parsing (XML) dynamically

So we (how many?) need a XML parser for Dylan.
I'm working on one.  But I need some feedback.  And first some

1. Can you tell me of some articles or books on parsing in a
"functional" style?  I have no problems with objects, but years of C++
have ruined some of my mental schemes, even with a copy of Abelson and
Sussman under my pillow...  (Yes, I have the dragon book. No, it's not
what I'm looking for. Thanks anyway.)

2. I liked the "meta" library.  Do you think it could be extended to get
some macros for complex parsing, like XML or CSS?  I don't like the
<grammar file> to <source code full of fixed tables and gotos> approach,
macros would be very nice, but maybe not the Right Thing(tm). Who knows.

I put something on my (secret) site when it will reach version 0.00.1.

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