
Re: <text-field>, size, GDI context...

Bruce Hoult wrote:
> I've also programmed GUIs with literally hundreds of widgets dynamically
> laid-out using MacApp (written in Object Pascal) on a 40 MHz 68030 or 25
> MHz 68040 and had them open instantaneously.

Yes, coming from the C++/PowerPlant/Power++ world this is what I am used

> The speed -- or lack of it -- seems to some much more from the O(n) of the
> algorithms being used to do the layout than from the speed of the machine
> or whether method calls are virtual or direct.

Well, I never worked with the slow ones long enough to figure out why
they were so slow ;-) I can certainly agree that virtual vs direct
method calls in Object Pascal or C++ has VERY little impact on
performance for this. But I personally don't know whether or not the
slow systems have lame algorithms or incredibly slow method dispatch. 

I know that multimethod dispatch can be many times more expensive than a
C++ virtual call. But I don't have a feel for how often this cost would
be incurred in a GUI app that I might write in Dylan. So pardon me while
I flail for a while...

Follow-Ups: References: