
Re: ANN: "Interacting with CORBA" article

On 23 Dec 1999, Andreas Bogk wrote:

> I must admit that I don't get it either, what's the point in defining
> a special scripting language? You can use any language you want for
> scripting, so a language binding definition should have been enough.

A scripting language especially for CORBA can ensure that the type system
and object model are a precise match, whereas mappings to existing
languages quite often have to work around at least minor mismatches.

That said, there is no reason why you can't go and create a mapping for
your favorite scripting language.


Michi Henning               +61 7 3891 5744
Object Oriented Concepts    +61 4 1118 2700 (mobile)
Suite 4, 904 Stanley St     +61 7 3891 5009 (fax)
East Brisbane 4169          michi@ooc.com.au
AUSTRALIA                   http://www.ooc.com.au/staff/michi-henning.html

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