
[ANNC] Dylan course taught April at NVCC

Hello, all,

This is a reminder that I will be teaching an introduction to object-
oriented programming course at the Annandale campus of the Northern
Virginia Community College, U.S.A. using /Dylan Programming/ as the
textbook and the Functional Developer as the IDE.  It will be conducted
from April 12 to May 10.

Although unsuitable for advanced Dylan programmers, it is very
appropriate for those who want a gentle introduction to Dylan and to
functional OOP.  The target audience is professional programmers with a
strong background in structured programming who wish to improve their
productivity with OOP.  This is an excellent opportunity to introduce
co-worker, peers, and technical supervisors to the advantages that
Dylan offers.  Encourage them to check out the course.  More
information is available at:

A propos, if your company needs in-house training, I also teach courses
on-site.  I have developed and delivered courses on C++, CORBA, Dylan,
Java, Perl, Smalltalk, and Unix internals.  Please contact me at
dauclair@hotmail.com if you wish to discuss on-site training further.

Douglas M. Auclair
Dylan evangelization through education

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