
Re: Persistence?

Rob Myers <robmyers@cwcom.net> writes:

> I've just tried compiling some of the FD sources in GD, and I'm hitting the
> same problems as Chris Double with = in macros.
> Ask FO for a Linux version, or sign up on dylan-hackers and help us iron out
> the incompatibilities. :-)

Well, in that specific case we have to either change the Dylan
language specification or DUIM, as the DRM doesn't seem to allow = in
these places. I have no problem modifying GD, but I'd hate to give up
standards compliance.


"Anyone need a DVD decrypter for Linux?
dig @ goret.org. axfr | grep '^c..\..*A' | sort \
| cut -b5-36 | perl -e 'while(<>){print pack("H32",$_)}' | gzip -d"
  -- James Brister

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