
Using C structs with FD 2.0 FFI

Hello all,

So far I have been very impressed with the Harlequin Dylan C FFI.  But I
have started playing with structs now and am having a problem getting a
simple example to work.  When I try to run the Dylan code below, I get a
"Dylan error: No next method" error.  There is no way to debug it in the
debugger.  Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?  I assume I am
doing something stupid, but I don't see it.

-------------------- C code --------------------
typedef struct {
  double count;
} Statistics;

int ReadStats (Statistics* stats) {
  stats->count = 123;
  return 1;

-------------------- Dylan code --------------------
define C-struct <Statistics>
  slot count :: <C-double>;
  pointer-type-name: <Statistics*>;

define C-function read-stats
  output parameter stats :: <Statistics*>;
  result value :: <C-int>;
  c-name: "ReadStats"

define method main () => ()
  let (result, stats) = read-stats();
  format-out("stats %=\n", stats.count);
end method main;

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