
Re: A basic question: defining modules and libraries

In article <Pine.GSO.3.96.1000328164553.23489F-100000@tardis.tardis.ed.ac.uk>,
Hugh Greene  <q@tardis.ed.ac.uk> wrote:
>Yes, you don't want to have to group more functionality into a library
>just for optimsation's sake.  Modules are the unit of interface, libraries
>are the unit of *compilation*.

This discussion makes it obvious that we don't have a good definition of
what a library is.  I don't agree with Hugh that they are the unit of
compilation -- it's easy to envisage an implementation (or a mode) in
which definitions are the unit of compilation, and the language shouldn't
prevent this.  Dylan's designers may have intended libraries to be the unit
of compilation, but this suggests a pre-existing notion of libraries, which
they chose to be the unit of compilation, rather than a definition of
libraries per se.

Nor are libraries necessarily the unit of delivery -- as others have
pointed out, we might package several libraries into a single DLL.  They
aren't the (primary) unit of namespace; that's the role of modules.  

Nonetheless, there clearly is some concept here.  Every programmer has
encountered this in some form or another.  E.g., although ML has nested
modules, the SML/NJ implementation has a notion of libraries, and Harlequin's
old MLWorks compiler has a notion of project.  Both these concepts group
bunches of modules together, map them to files, include compilation options,
etc.  Even the simplest C environment includes Makefiles.

