
New book on Dylan?

Hello all,

I'm trying to choose a book to learn Dylan programming from, and
'Dylan Programming' by Neal Feinberg et al seems to be highly recommended.
I gather that the authors are/were Harlequin employees, so I'm
wondering just how Wintel-oriented it was (I'll be programming on a

On searching a few online bookshops I came across another book,
which has apparently not come out yet (it is expected in July). It
is simply called 'Dylan', and is being written by a Paul Graham. As far
as I can tell it's about Dylan the language, not Dylan the poet
or Dylan the singer/songwriter <g>, but as there is absolutely no
information about it other than the ISBN, publisher, author and title,
I could be wrongŠ

Does anyone know anything about this book? Is it worth my while waiting
for it?

Erica Mackenzie
