
Re: [ANNC] Basic Dylan FAQ updated and available for review

dauclair@hotmail.com wrote:
> A basic and forming Dylan FAQ is available at
> http://www.geocities.com/dylan_programmer/FAQ.html.  Please review it.
> If you wish to change, to correct, to add or to remove information from
> it to make it a better FAQ, please post here or send me an email at
> dauclair@hotmail.com.

It's great to see someone getting this going!

The GeoCities ads are truly annoying, as they cover up some of the
text just when you want to read it (since they're at the top of the
page).  Any way to get rid of them?  I suspect not.  Maybe you 
could always be sure to add enough vertical whitespace near the
top so they don't cover up anything useful.

I think the first question should be "What is Dylan?".  I can't 
tell you how many times I've gone to a FAQ where only had a 
vague idea of what the "product" was, and the FAQ didn't explain
it.  You could probably steal the answer from either the Gwydion
or Fun-O site.

Another "gotcha" could be that you can't initialize a limited
sequence directly.  e.g.,

  define constant <int-vector> = limited(<vector>, of: <integer>);
  define constant foo :: <int-vector> = #[1, 2, 3];  // error

because the RHS is a <simple-object-vector> even though it
contains only integers.  I think the best one can do is:

  define constant foo :: <int-vector> = make(<int-vector>, size: 3);
  for (i from 0 below 3)
    foo[i] := #[1, 2, 3][i];


Follow-Ups: References: