
Re: Results: finished teaching one Dylan course

dauclair@hotmail.com wrote:

> "A New Approach to Object Oriented Programming" course finished May 10,
> 2000 at the Northern Virginia Community College, U.S.A. with excellent
> reviews from the students.
> I will teach this course again July 20, 2000 under the
> title:  "Practical Object Oriented Programming".  See
> http://www.geocities.com/oop_guru for this and other programming
> courses I offer.


I saw your table about programming languages at
and I missed my favourite language Python (http://www.python.org)

I am just thinking about beginning learning Dylan. Considering the traffic
in the news-groups
of  Dylan and Python my impression is Dylan is much less popular (and
Python is much less
popular than Perl). I wonder whether it is a good feature to write Dylan
programs, translate them
to C with the dylan2c compiler and use them as an extension module for
Python to benefit from the
speed of a compiled program while saving time (compared with C/C++

A Dylan expert might say all what you can do with Python you can also do
with Dylan, maybe even
better. My Python experience is now for 3 years so programming in Dylan
will be definitely
more difficult for me. Becoming more familiar with Dylan when speeding up
some few critical
Python code would be my preferred way...


Wolfgang Grafen

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