
Re: Why I don't use Dylan

On Wed, Jul 12, 2000, Bruce Hoult <bruce@hoult.org> wrote:

>Anyway, the gist is that I don't know what the Obj-C runtime is like.  
>My understanding from early NeXT days was that the compiler just gathers 
>up those Smalltalk-style method selector names into a string, looks them 
>up in a table to find a numeric selector ID, and adds that as the first 
>argument to a call to a global "dispatch" function, using a standard C 
>function call.

If you wish to ask this kind of question, you should join the mailing
list at oreo@cubiculum.com. (Unfortunately I can't find the subscription
instructions right now.) This is a list started by some people who've
been burned by Apple's recent actions, and who are discussing the
possibility of an open source common OO runtime to act as a substrate for
different languages and across platforms. What they are trying to plan
may or may not be relevant to Dylan, but you'll certainly find a body of
knowledge about the Obj-C runtime.

Scott Ribe
(303) 665-7007 voice
