
Dylan source in one file?

Just an idle thought I had yesterday ...

One of the little niggles for Dylan beginners is that, for existing
implementations using Dylan Interchange Format (DIF) files at least, every
dylan program needs at least two source files.  One looks like

  Module: dylan-user

  define library foo ... end;
  define module foo ... end;

and the other like

  Module: foo

  // Main definitions here

I suppose there's no reason why you couldn't define lots of things in
dylan-user, so that might do for trivial examples.  But you can't import
any other modules than dylan nor export things from it (because you can't
write its module definition) so for non-trivial examples, you're still

Now, reading the DRM definitions of the DIF and the way modules and
libraries work, it seems the following needn't be illegal, though it might
be tricky to implement.  All in one file:

  Module: foo

  define library foo ... end;
  define module foo ... end;

  // Main definitions here

You can think of the "Module: foo" as a forward reference, which has to be
checked when you get to the module definition.  Now, technically, you
can't parse the library and module definition macro calls until you know
that they're in a module which uses dylan (or otherwise provides similar
macro definitions).  So I'm wondering whether it would be feasible and
acceptable to implement this "forward reference" by *assuming* that the
standard dylan library and module definitions are imported from somewhere,
and checking that when you've processed the library and module

Tricky cases might include:

  - The macros are imported indirectly from the dylan library/module,
    e.g., via common-dylan.

  - There are macros defined/imported which accept the syntax of the
    standard library and module defining macros, but expand to something
    different.  (This should still be okay, as long as the right module
    gets defined at some point in the macro expansion!)  Note that you
    don't need to define anything to import or call macros (minimalist
    obfuscated Dylan, anyone? :->).

And on top of all that, it introduces the possibilities of

  - Breaking the flexibility of top-level definition ordering (because we
    can't parse any other definitions, or at least not any other than
    those in the dylan module, until we've sorted out the "real" module

  - Breaking backward-compatibility with existing implementations (unless
    this all already magically works -- I haven't tested it ;-)

  - Confusing users as a consequence of the above ... especially the new
    users this idea is intended to help!

  - Leading users into the habit of not having a separate file for library
    and module definitions.  I'm not *sure* this would be a bad thing but,
    at least in FunDev, the analogue of C's conditional compilation is
    usually done by having separate projects sharing partially overlapping
    sets of source files.  This tends to be needed for scaling to
    larger projects and having library and module definitions in the same
    files as other definitions would make this solution less obvious.  But
    maybe some "advanced tutorial" documentation could explain this
    "evolution" ... or maybe we'll come up with a better solution for
    conditional compilation :-)

Comments?  Flames?  ;-)

