
[FD] Multiple Modules & Windows Me

Original message posted by Chris Double on gd-hackers mailing list:

"Douglas Michael Auclair" <dauclair@hotmail.com> writes:

> The FD problem?  I can't get multiple-module programs to work at all
> neither on Win95 nor on Windows Me -- FD refuses to resolve bindings
> from other modules for me.  Chris, anyone else, are you having this
> problem, too?

The multiple module thing is strange. I have FD installed on Windows
98 and it works fine. Do you have the Service Pack installed?

Actually, now that you mention it, I did have a problem similar to
this. I added an extra module and everything stopped compiling. I
removed it and things were fine. But I do have multiple module
programs (including FD samples and GD libs) that compile fine under
FD. My problem ended up being a missing semicolon, or not including
'dylan' in the library statement or something like that. Can you send
me the project and I'll take a look.

BTW, John Whittaker has had problems running FD on Windows ME - have
you had any luck? Apparently he contacted FO and the response was
that it was an unsupported platform and that was it...

> (Un)fortunately, I've had no luck with my sockets port on cygnus,
> so, down the road, I'll convert one of my wintels to linux.

If I had the time I'd convert my Corman Lisp version to cygwin Dylan-
it wouldn't be hard just time,sigh, one day!


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