
Re: Possibly OT: Waiting for threads to complete...

In article <B6B960E1.7C36%page@best.com>, Chris Page <page@best.com> 

> This isn't strictly a Dylan question, but I know that Functional 
> Developer's
> threads implementation deals with this and I'm wondering how. From a 
> friend:
> I'm trying to port some code from *nix to Win32 that uses pthreads.
> I've got most of the code ported (thread models aren't too different,
> fortunately), HOWEVER, there is one place where a call is made to
> thr_join() to basically wait for all outstanding threads to complete
> before the main thread exits.
> Anyone have any thoughts about how to do this in Win32?  I can't find
> anything in MSDN...

OK, I'm not usually a Windows programmer (Mac and Un*x) but...

As far as I can see this is one of the few things that Win32 actually 
does *well*, following VMS and totally ignoring the way Unix does it.

Use WaitForMultipleObjects.  Better, read chapter nine of Jeffrey 
Richter's "Advanced Windows"...

-- Bruce
