
Re: [Q]Why are all classes rooted by <object>

Brad Settlemyer wrote:
> Well, the subject pretty much says it all, but can anyone explain the 
> rationale behind making all classes implicitly derived from <object>.
> Dylan appears to me to be suitably generic not to need this artifice (Java, 
> for example, is not).  What am I missing?

  That it is quite important to be able to declare
methods that can operate on *any* object a program
will use.

  define generic xml-encode (obj :: <object>) => (xml :: <string>);

  define generic write
      (stream :: <stream>, obj :: <object>)
   => (str :: <stream>);

  define generic \= (obj1, obj2) => (equal? :: <boolean>);
  (here <object> is only used implicitly, but it is still used)

  Without a unique root it would be quite difficult to get such
functions to work. You could then argue that this root does not
need an explicit name, but then giving it a name has no drawback
I can see.

  It may not be the whole story and I hope others will complete it,
but IMO that may be the most important aspect.

  Regards - Eric

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