
Re: Promoting Dylan...

"Rob Myers" <robmyers@mac.com> wrote in message news:200109100900.FAA19477@life.ai.mit.edu...
> On Saturday, September 8, 2001, at 02:45  am, Bruce Hoult wrote:
> > "Mark Jordan" <Mark_Jordan@nospam.btinternet.com> wrote in message
> > news:<9nb5mg$q8p$1@plutonium.btinternet.com>...
> >> OK, I've done my bit this week to promote Dylan to
> >> other programmers ;-)
> >
> > Good on 'yer.
> Yes, good stuff.
> I think my favorite quote from the article is this:
> ""It's also hard to argue with Feher, when he remarks, "I think one of
> the greatest strength of C++ is that you exactly know what is happening
> 'behind the scenes.' You are not at the mercy of a black box VM or a
> 'who knows in what state it is' garbage collector etc." ""

Yeah, you have to laugh ;-) Greatest strength indeed.
I guess he's saying he has complete control, but IMO
you have to give some of that up to move forward, just
like we did when we moved from assembler to HLL's.

